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Home » Scholarships » CcHUB’s Let’s Build Program 2024 for African Startups. – Opportunities For Africans

CcHUB’s Let’s Build Program 2024 for African Startups. – Opportunities For Africans

Application Deadline: June 30, 2024

“Let’s Build, Africa” is a strategic initiative aimed at supporting startups that are poised for cross-border growth but require strategic insights and support to navigate new ecosystems. CcHUB is committed to fostering economic integration and innovation across the continent.

Program Objectives:

  1. Facilitate Cross-Border Expansion: Support startups in gaining insights and access to new markets across Africa.
  2. Strengthen Intercontinental Ties: Foster collaboration and investment opportunities between startups and local stakeholders in target markets.
  3. Boost Economic Integration: Contribute to the economic integration of the African continent by facilitating easier market access for innovative businesses.

    Eligibility Criteria:

    – The startup must be registered in an African country.
    – At least one of the founders must be an African national.
    – The startup should be at the scale up stage.

    Program Components:

    Call for Applications and Selection: Startups are invited to apply for the program with a focus on readiness for market expansion and innovative solutions adaptable to diverse markets.
    Pitch Sessions: Selected startups will participate in pitch events to refine their business models and receive feedback.
    Ecosystem Tours: Participating startups will undergo facilitated tours in key markets such as Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, and Namibia.
    Product Showcases: Startups will showcase their products to a curated audience of collaborators, investors, and potential customers.
    Market Linkages and Support: Over a six-month period, startups will receive ongoing support from CcHUB’s team of experts to build and strengthen market linkages.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the CcHUB’s Let’s Build Program

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