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Home » Scholarships » Fully Funded! Mastercard Foundation Scholarship at University of Pretoria in South Africa (2024/2025)

Unlocking Opportunities: University of Pretoria MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program (MCFSP) 2024/2025

Are you a young African with big dreams but facing significant socio-economic challenges? Look no further! The University of Pretoria (UP), in collaboration with the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program, presents an incredible opportunity to pursue your academic aspirations while effecting positive change in Africa.

What is the MCFSP?

The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program strives to uplift economically disadvantaged yet academically gifted youths across Africa. By providing comprehensive support, the program aims to break down barriers to higher education and empower future leaders committed to driving meaningful transformation on the continent.

Program Details

1. Who Can Apply?

1.1 Eligibility Criteria

  • Undergraduate, Honours, and Masters students are eligible.
  • Applicants must have applied and been accepted to the University of Pretoria.
  • African youths facing socio-economic challenges, including refugees, IDPs, and individuals with disabilities, are encouraged to apply.

1.2 Desired Qualities

  • Leadership skills and a passion for community service.
  • Demonstrated commitment to making a difference through active involvement in projects, school activities, or religious organizations.
  • Consistent academic excellence as a testament to dedication and potential.

2. Benefits

2.1 What’s Covered?

  • Full tuition fees
  • Accommodation in a UP residence
  • Meal allowances
  • Provision of books and printed materials
  • Monthly stipend
  • Comprehensive medical aid
  • Travel costs (one return trip for the study duration)
  • Visa application expenses for the study period.

3. Application Procedure

3.1 Step-by-Step Guide


The University of Pretoria MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program is not just a scholarship; it’s a gateway to realizing your potential and making a lasting impact. Seize this opportunity to embark on a transformative educational journey while contributing to the advancement of Africa.

Visit the Official Webpage of the University of Pretoria MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program

Also check Google for Startups Accelerator: Africa 2024

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