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Home » Scholarships » KCSE Results Best 100 Schools Countrywide and Per County 500 Best Sch!

KCSE Results Best 100 Schools Countrywide and Per County 500 Best Sch!

About 70,677 candidates scored C- (minus) and 76,198 scored D+ (plus), with 73,501 scoring D (plain) and 47,716 got D- (minus).

KCSE – 2013 KCSE Exam Results Ranking & Performance

  • Top 100 Schools KCSE 2013

  • Top 100 County KCSE 2013

  • Top 100 Private Schools KCSE 2013 Results

  • Top 100 Schools for 2013 KCSE Exam per Subject

  • KCSE 2013 Results Top 5 & Bottom 5 Schools per County

  • 2013 KCSE Results National Schools Order of Merit

  • KCSE 2013, Top 100 Positions (District Schools)

  • Top 100 Schools for 2013 KCSE Results released in 2014

    Rank-Sch Name-Category-Students-Av.Grade-Av.Performance-County

    1 ALLIANCE HIGH SCHOOL  National  276  A-  81.783  KIAMBU
    2 MOI HIGH KABARAK        Private    272  A-  79.862  NAKURU
    3 PRECIOUS B. RIRUTA      County    135  A-  79.604  NAIROBI
    4 KAPSABET BOYS            National  249  A-  79.062  NANDI
    5 MASENO SCHOOL           National  237  A-  78.701  KISUMU
    6 MOLO ACADEMY             County    50  A-  77.270  NAKURU
    7 STRATHMORE SCHOOL     Private    78  A-  77.060  NAIROBI
    8 CHAVAKALI HIGH SCHOOL National  287 A-  77.005  VIHIGA
    9 MARYHILL GIRLS HIGH      National  185  A-  76.826  KIAMBU
    10 KENYA HIGH SCHOOL      National  205  A-  76.030  NAIROBI
    11 MURANGA HIGH             National   187  A-  75.916  MURANG’A
    12 NAIROBI SCHOOL           National   283  A- 75.602  NAIROBI
    13 ST.ANTHONY’S BOYS’     County    237  A-  75.311  TRANSNZOIA
    14 ANESTAR BOYS LANET    Private     81   B+ 75.128   NAKURU
    15 PIONEER SCHOOL           Private    115  B+ 75.097   MURANG’A
    16 ST BRIGIDS KIMININI     National    173  B+ 74.924   TRANSNZOIA
    17 STAREHE BOYS’            National    208  B+ 74.757   NAIROBI
    18 ST. FRANCIS GIRLS       County     254   B+ 74.633   SIAYA
    19 MOI TEA GIRLS             County     94    B+  73.962  KERICHO
    20 MARY MOTHER – GRACE Private      22    B+  73.588  LAIKIPIA
    21 LORETO LIMURU            National    180  B+  73.586  KIAMBU
    22 STAREHE GIRLS’            National     76   B+  73.418  NAIROBI
    23 WAMY HIGH SCHOOL     Private     94     B+  73.414  NAIROBI
    24 MOI GIRLS’ – ELDORET    National   214   B+  73.333  UASIN GISHU
    25 ALLIANCE GIRLS’           National    250   B+  72.902  KIAMBU
    26 MANGU HIGH SCHOOL     National   211   B+  72.792   KIAMBU
    27 NAKURU GIRLS’              National   156   B+   72.730  NAKURU
    28 KISII HIGH                    National   323   B+   72.266  KISII
    29 SUNSHINE SECONDARY   Private     228   B+   72.148  NAIROBI
    30 LIGHT ACADEMY            Private     26     B+   72.141  NAIROBI
    31 KIANDA SCHOOL             Private     47     B+   72.105  NAIROBI
    32 UTUMISHI BOYS             National   192    B+   71.651  NAKURU
    33 KANGA HIGH                  National    295   B+   71.612  MIGORI
    34 FRIENDS KAMUSINGA       National    284   B+  71.533  BUNGOMA
    35 CHEMELIL SUGAR            Private      88    B+   71.386 KISUMU
    36 SEGERO ADVENTIST        Private     182   B+   71.048  UASIN GISHU
    37 MARY MOUNT                 County    137    B+   70.644  NAKURU
    38 NAKURU HIGH SCHOOL     National   193    B+   70.577  NAKURU
    39 PRECIOUS B. – KILUNGU    County     98    B+   70.551  MAKUENI
    40 LIMURU GIRLS’               National     217   B+   70.536  KIAMBU
    41 MOI GIRLS’ NAIROBI        County      225   B+   70.415  NAIROBI
    42 LENANA SCHOOL            National     248   B+   70.333  NAIROBI
    43 PANGANI GIRLS              National     282   B+   70.281  NAIROBI
    44 ST JOSEPH’S RAPOGI      County      207    B+   70.218  MIGORI
    45 MOI SIONGIROI GIRLS’     County     155    B+   70.123  BOMET
    46 MAASAI HIGH SCHOOL     Private      24     B+   69.751  KAJIADO
    47 AGORO SARE HIGH          County     196    B+    69.737  HOMA BAY
    48 KANYAWANGA SCHOOL    County      202   B+    69.676  MIGORI
    49 ASUMBI GIRLS                National    235   B+     69.307  HOMA BAY
    50 KYENI GIRLS’                  County     139    B+   68.673  EMBU
    51 NEW DAWN ORPHANS       Private     21     B+    68.591  LAIKIPIA
    52 LITEIN HIGH SCHOOL       County     257     B+   68.409  KERICHO
    53 ST. MARY’S BOYS           Private     107     B+    68.362  NYERI
    54 BAHATI GIRLS                County     90     B+     68.305   NAKURU
    55 BARDING SECONDARY      County     150    B+     68.285  SIAYA
    56 SOUTH TETU GIRLS’        County     97     B+     68.071   NYERI
    57 KAGUMO HIGH                National     233     B     67.992   NYERI
    58 NYANGWA BOYS’            County     106     B     67.959   EMBU
    59 MAHIGA GIRLS               County     178     B+    67.956  NYERI
    60 METEITEI BOYS              County     139     B+    67.902  NANDI
    61 MAKINI SCHOOL              Private     55     B+     67.872  NAIROBI
    62 SACHO HIGH SCHOOL       Private     153     B     67.870 BARINGO
    63 NYANG’ORI BOYS             County     220     B+   67.762  VIHIGA
    64 NYAMIRA GIRLS               County     233     B     67.724  SIAYA
    65 ST. CHARLES LWANGA      County     82      B     67.722  KISII
    66 NJIIRI SCHOOL                County     264     B     67.626  MURANG’A
    67 THOME BOYS                  District     22     B     67.610   LAIKIPIA
    68 LIGHT ACADEMY              Private     21     B+     67.594  MOMBASA
    69 ST. PETER’S MUMIAS       County     248     B    67.574   KAKAMEGA
    70 KISIMA  MIXED               Private     34      B     67.480   NYANDARUA
    71 NYERI HIGH SCHOOL        County     244     B     67.241   NYERI
    72 SING’ORE GIRLS              County     159     B   67.147  E.MARAKWET
    73 METKEI SECONDARY        County     113     B     67.006 E.MARAKWET
    74 KISUMU GIRL’S               National     257     B     66.903   KISUMU
    75 BUNYORE GIRLS              National     266     B     66.894   VIHIGA
    76 UPPER HILL SCHOOL         County     225     B     66.854    NAIROBI
    77 NYAHURURU ELITE           Private     66     B     66.614    NYANDARUA
    78 NAIVASHA GIRLS            County     142     B     66.598     NAKURU
    79 KAPSABET GIRLS             County     191     B     66.513     NANDI
    80 ST. MARY’S GIRLS IGOJI   National     146     B     66.280     MERU
    81 BURUBURU GIRLS             County     167     B     66.270     NAIROBI
    82 ST. MARY’S YALA            County     235     B     66.201     SIAYA
    83 ST.PETER’S SEMINARY     Private     49     B     66.193     KAKAMEGA
    84 NGUVIU BOYS                County     169     B     66.186     EMBU
    85 MOI FORCES NAIROBI      National     230     B     66.050     NAIROBI
    86 ST.CLARE GIRLS’ ELBURGON Private    81     B     65.993     NAKURU
    87 KARIMA GIRLS                  National    226   B     65.987 NYANDARUA
    88 MOI FORCES LANET          National    190    B   65.962    NAKURU
    89 TURBO SCHOOL               Private      21     B    65.914  UASIN GISHU
    90 RAMBA SECONDARY         County     207     B     65.909     SIAYA
    91 SHEIKH KHALIFA             Private     161     B     65.880     MOMBASA
    92 ST. GABRIEL’S LANET      Private     24     B     65.695     NAKURU
    93 MBITA HIGH SCHOOL     National     183     B     65.626     HOMA BAY
    94 VANESSA GRANT GIRLS  Private     32     B     65.567     NAKURU
    95 MATERI GIRLS              Private     83     B     65.437  THARAKANITHI
    96 MARIA SOTI GIRLS        Private     27     B     65.434   E. MARAKWET
    97 NYAHURURU ELITE        Private     47     B     65.245     LAIKIPIA
    98 MAKUENI BOYS             National     245     B     65.127     MAKUENI
    99 ORERO BOYS                County     185     B     65.065     HOMA BAY
    100 APOSTOLIC CARMEL     Private     74     B     65.039     NAIROBI


    National schools    34 (34%)
    County schools     36 (36%)
    Private schools     29 (29%)
    District schools      1 (1%)
    Total    100

    KCSE 2013 Results Top 100 County Schools

    Rank – Name of  School – Students – Grade – Average – County

    1. Precious Blood Riruta             135    A-       79.604       Nairobi 
    2. Molo Academy                       50    A-       77.270       Nakuru
    3. St. Anthony’s Boys’ School     237    A-       75.311      Transnzoia 
    4. St. Francis Rang’ala Girls        254    B+       74.633      Siaya
    5. Moi Tea Girls Secondary School 94    B+       73.962      Kericho
    6. Mary Mount S. School            137    B+       70.644      Nakuru
    7. Precious B.School – Kilungu       98    B+       70.551      Makueni
    8. Moi Gir’s School Nairobi            225   B+       70.415      Nairobi 
    9. St Joseph’s Rapogi                  207   B+       70.218      Migori
    10. Moi Siongiroi Girls                  155   B+       70.123      Bomet
    11. Agoro Sare High School          196   B+        69.737      Homa Bay
    12. Kanyawanga Secondary Sch    202  B+        69.676      Migori
    13. Kyeni Girls’ High School           139  B+        68.673      Embu
    14. Litein High School                  257  B+        68.40        Kericho
    15. Bahati Girls Secondary School   90   B+        68.305      Nakuru
    16. Barding Secondary School       150  B+        68.285      Siaya
    17. South Tetu Girls’ High School     97  B+        68.071      Nyeri
    18. Nyangwa Boys’ High School      106  B         67.959      Embu
    19. Mahiga Girls Secondary School  178  B+       67.956      Nyeri
    20. Meteitei Boys Secondary         139  B+        67.902      Nandi
    21. Nyang’ori Boys High School      220  B+        67.762      Vihiga
    22. Nyamira Girls Secondary          233  B          67.724      Siaya
    23. St. Charles Lwanga Girls           82   B         67.722      Kisii
    24. Njiiri School                           264  B         67.626     Murang’a
    25. St. Peter’s Mumias Boys’          248  B         67.574    Kakamega
    26. Nyeri High School                   244  B         67.241     Nyeri
    27. Sing’ore Girls Secondary          159  B         67.147     E. Marakwet
    28. Metkei Secondary School        113  B          67.006    E. Marakwet
    29. Upper Hill School                    225  B         66.854     Nairobi
    30. Naivasha Girls Secondary        142  B          66.598     Nakuru
    31. Kapsabet Girls High School       191 B          66.513     Nandi
    32. Buruburu Girls Secondary         167 B          66.270     Nairobi
    33. St. Mary’s School, Yala            235 B         66.201     Siaya
    34. Nguviu Boys High School          169 B          66.186     Embu
    35. Ramba Secondary School         207 B          65.909     Siaya
    36. Orero Boys Secondary School   185 B          65.065     Homa Bay
    37. Nyahururu High School             182 B          64.775    Nyandarua
    38. Nyabigena Secondary School    126 B          64.609     Kisii
    39. St Charles Lwanga School        131 B          64.393     Kitui
    40. St.Francis Girls (Mang’u)          156 B          64.273     Kiambu
    41. Nyandarua High School            159 B          64.122     Nyandarua
    42. Kaaga Girls’ High School           180 B          63.964     Meru
    43. Kahuhia Girls’ High School         179 B          63.924     MURANG’A
    44. A.I.C Litein Girls Secondary       150 B          63.615     Kericho
    45. Kisumu Boys’ High School          267 B          63.478     Kisumu
    46. Tenwek High School                 166 B          63.241    Bomet
    47. Homa Bay High School              253 B          63.151     Homa Bay
    48. Tengecha Girls                        150 B          63.097     Kericho
    49. Machakos Girls’ High School       209 B          62.922     Machakos
    50. Oriwo Boys High School            215 B          62.796     Homa Bay
    50. Chogoria Boys High School        168 B          62.796     Tharaka Nithi
    52. Mukaa Boy’s High School           176 B          62.306     Makueni
    53. Kapenguria Boys High School      229 B          62.289    West Pokot
    54. Kereri Girls High School              232 B         62.287      Kisii
    55. Thika High School                     181 B         62.202      Kiambu
    56. Chianda High School                  235 B         62.182      Siaya
    57. Cardinal Otunga Girls High School 172 B         62.157      Bungoma
    58. Bureiruri Boys Secondary School  178  B         62.127     Meru
    59. Drys Girls Secondary School        125 B         62.114      Uasin Gishu
    60. St. Georges Girls’ Secondary        228 B         62.105      Nairobi
    61. Mbooni Girls                              208 B         62.076      Makueni
    62. Mutira Girls Secondary School      185 B         62.074      Kirinyaga
    63. Nkubu High School                      172 B        61.947      Meru
    64. Njabini Boys High School              126 B        61.800      Nyandarua
    65. Chewoyet High School                 222 B        61.719     West Pokot
    66. Moi Girls’ Secondary, Sindo             94 B        61.501     Homa Bay
    67. St. Anne’s Secondary Lioki             99  B        61.479    Kiambu
    68. Siakago Boys High School             179  B        61.371    Embu
    69. Kadika Girls’ Secondary School       201 B        61.277     Migori
    70. Thurdibuoro Mixed Secondary        280 B        61.272      Kisumu
    71. Ngiriambu Girls Secondary School   162 B         61.269     Kirinyaga
    72. Sigalame High School                   148 B         61.177     Busia
    73. Kokuro Secondary School               72 B         61.134     Migori
    74. Tengecha Boys High School           249 B        61.100    Kericho
    75. Kenyatta High School [Mahiga]       121 B        61.083    Nyeri
    76. Keveya Girls’ High School               215 B        61.012    Vihiga
    77. St. Joseph’s Girls-Chepterit            171 B        60.809    Nandi
    78. Samoei Boys Secondary School       155 B-      60.739    Nandi
    79. Othaya Boys High School               209 B-      60.593     Nyeri
    80. Makueni Girls High School               162 B-      60.496     Makueni
    81. Nguviu Girls Secondary School         117 B-      60.492    Embu
    82. Karima Boys’ High School                163 B-      60.176    Nyeri
    83. St. Peter’s Marakwet Boys              136 B       60.166 E.Marakwet
    84. Kangaru Girls School                      128 B-      60.148  Embu
    85. Oloolaiseer High School                  102 B-      60.018 Kajiado
    86. Friends Bwake Boys School              74 B-      59.987  Transnzoia
    87. Mayori                                         58 B        59.955  Embu
    88. Miathene Boys High School             122 B       59.920  Meru
    89. Kabarnet High School                    197 B-      59.902  Baringo
    90. Loreto High School, Matunda          170 B-      59.900  Uasin Gishu
    91. Kibabii High School                        233 B       59.858  Bungoma
    92. Kanunga High School                     165 B-      59.831  Kiambu
    93. Ndururumo High School                  174 B-      59.741  Laikipia
    94. Ambira High School                        208 B-     59.664  Siaya
    95. Chebara Secondary School             138 B-      59.647   E. Marakwet
    96. Othaya Girls Secondary School        145 B-      59.641  Nyeri
    97. Cardinal Otunga – Mosocho             166 B-      59.553  Kisii
    98. Njoro Boys High School                   132 B-     59.519  Nakuru
    99. Precious Blood Kagwe Girls              107 B-      59.505  Kiambu
    100. Kanjuri High School                      180 B-      59.469  Nyeri

    Top 100 Private Schools KCSE 2013 Results

    Rank – Name of  School – Students – Grade – Average – County

    2 STRATHMORE SCHOOL         78  A-   77.060  NAIROBI
    3 ANESTAR BOYS LANET         81  B+   75.128  NAKURU
    4 PIONEER SCHOOL               115 B+   75.097  MURANG’A
    5 MARY MOTHER OF GRACE     22  B+   73.588  LAIKIPIA
    6 WAMY HIGH SCHOOL           94  B+   73.414  NAIROBI
    7 SUNSHINE SECONDARY       228  B+   72.148  NAIROBI
    8 LIGHT ACADEMY                 26  B+   72.141  NAIROBI
    9 KIANDA SCHOOL                 47  B+   72.105  NAIROBI
    11 SEGERO ADVENTIST         182  B+   71.048  UASIN GISHU
    12 MAASAI HIGH SCHOOL        24  B+   69.751  KAJIADO
    13 NEW DAWN ORPHANS         21  B+   68.591  LAIKIPIA
    14 ST. MARY’S BOYS             107 B+   68.362  NYERI
    15 MAKINI SCHOOL                 55 B+   67.872  NAIROBI
    16 SACHO HIGH SCHOOL        153 B     67.870  BARINGO
    17 LIGHT ACADEMY                 21 B+   67.594  MOMBASA
    18 KISIMA  MIXED SCHOOL       34 B     67.480  NYANDARUA
    19 NYAHURURU ELITE               66 B    66.614  NYANDARUA
    20 ST.PETER’S SEMINARY         49 B     66.193 KAKAMEGA
    21 ST.CLARE GIRLS’ ELBURGON  81 B     65.993 NAKURU
    22 TURBO SCHOOL                  21 B     65.914 UASIN GISHU
    23 SHEIKH KHALIFA                161 B    65.880 MOMBASA
    24 ST. GABRIEL’S LANET SEC    24  B    65.695 NAKURU
    25 VANESSA GRANT GIRLS        32  B    65.567 NAKURU
    26 MATERI GIRLS SCHOOL        83  B    65.437  THARAKANITHI
    27 MARIA SOTI GIRLS              27  B    65.434  ELGEYO MARAKWET
    28 NYAHURURU ELITE              47   B   65.245   LAIKIPIA
    29 APOSTOLIC CARMEL            74   B   65.039   NAIROBI
    30 RIARA SPRINGS ACADEMY     95  B    64.851   NAIROBI
    31 MEMON HIGH SCHOOL        137 B     64.785   MOMBASA
    32 ST. FRANCIS – LARE           77  B     64.754   NAKURU
    33 JUJA PREPARATORY            65  B     64.733    KIAMBU
    34 ANESTAR BOYS HIGH          87  B+   64.559     NAKURU
    35 ST YERMO SCHOOL            48  B     64.553     NAKURU
    36 ISTIQAMA ACADEMY           25  B     64.517     MOMBASA
    37 DAWAMU ACADEMY            49  B     64.420     KAJIADO
    38 GOSHEN SACRED HIGH        19  B     64.300     NAKURU
    39 MOTHER OF APOSTLES        81 B     64.198     UASIN GISHU
    40 BUSARA FOREST VIEW        67  B     63.820     NYANDARUA
    41 GRACELAND GIRLS SCHOOL  21  B     63.547     NYERI
    42 ABU HUREIRA ACADEMY       57  B     63.367     MOMBASA
    43 SACRED HEART SCHOOL      51  B     63.204     KERICHO
    44 ST. JOSEPH’S – MOLO         88  B     63.196     NAKURU
    45 GOOD SHEPHERD MINOR      26  B     62.845     SAMBURU
    46 ST. THERESA’S GIRLS         39  B     62.843     SAMBURU
    47 BOOKER ACADEMY            118  B     62.742     KAKAMEGA
    48 AGA KHAN HIGH, MSA        141  B     62.556     MOMBASA
    49 MT LAVERNA GIRLS’ SEC S   71  B     62.552     NAIROBI
    50 LUKENYA HIGH SCHOOL       97  B     62.543     MACHAKOS
    51 RONGAI SECONDARY S       100  B     61.970     NAKURU
    52 KARURA S.D.A SCHOOL        60  B     61.913     NAIROBI
    53 ST. PATRICK’S SCHOOL       24  B     61.352     KAJIADO
    54 CONSOLATA SCHOOL          35  B     61.344     NAIROBI
    55 CARMEL GIRLS SECONDARY  83  B-    60.555     MACHAKOS
    56 OUR LADY OF LOURDES       36  B-    59.980     NYERI
    57 MUSTARD SEED                 39  B-    59.653     NAKURU
    58 MUDASA ACADEMY             34  B-    59.623     VIHIGA
    59 HERALDS HIGH SCHOOL       17  B-    59.409     UASIN GISHU
    60 INTERNATIONAL VILLAGE S  21  B-    59.351     VIHIGA
    61 FR. ANTONY PAGANI           47  B-    58.657     LAIKIPIA
    62 NEWLIGHT SCHOOL           123  B-    58.530     KAJIADO
    63 MT. KENYA ACADEMY          46  B-    58.371     NYERI
    64 NEWLIGHT SENIOR              12  B-    58.057     NAIROBI
    65 TERESA D’LIMA GIRLS          46  B-    57.690     MACHAKOS
    66 QUEEN OF APOSTLES           34  B-    57.289     NAIROBI
    67 PRECIOUS BOYS HIGH          10  B-    57.222     KIAMBU
    68 MBALE SHALOM ACADEMY     27 B-     56.986     VIHIGA
    69 ANESTAR PRECIOUS GIRLS   189  B-    56.248     NAKURU
    70 ST. FRANCIS GIRLS              58  B-    55.985     KERICHO
    71 EMMANUEL BOITO BOYS        26 B-     55.976     BOMET
    72 EMBU HIGH SCHOOL             98  B-     55.821     EMBU
    73 LAISER HILL ACADEMY          47  B-     55.346     KAJIADO
    74 E&T CONCORD HIGH SCHOOL 32  B-     55.297     UASIN GISHU
    75 CHRIST THE KING ACADEMY   97 B-     55.013     NAKURU
    76 LORETO CONVENT                78 B-     55.004     NAIROBI
    77 WOMEN INSTITUTE               28 B-     54.842     MIGORI
    78 SEGERO ADVENTIST              75 B-     54.803     UASIN GISHU
    79 ALIM HIGH SCHOOL               23 B-     54.620     MACHAKOS
    80 MOTHER OF MERCY GIRLS’      16 B-     54.541     NAKURU
    81 ARISE AND SHINE ACADEMY    32 B-     54.169     UASIN GISHU
    82 MAASAI ACADEMY                 32 B-     54.120     KAJIADO
    83 AGA KHAN HIGH SCHOOL NRB  53  B-     54.079     NAIROBI
    84 ST. HANNA’S BOYS               48  B-     53.871     NAIROBI
    85 GRACELAND GIRLS SCHOOL     82  B-    53.788     LAIKIPIA
    86 ARABUKO FOREST HIGH SCH   31  B-     53.756     KILIFI
    87 ST.ANUARITE GIRLS’              63  B-     53.666     NYANDARUA
    88 ST.CATHERINE GIRLS             52 C+     53.530     MACHAKOS
    89 SKYLINE SCHOOL- MUGUGA     31 B-     53.439     KIAMBU
    90 KIAGE TUMAINI BOYS             13 C+     53.291     KISII
    91 LUKENYA GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL  67 B-     53.286     MACHAKOS
    92 ST. MARY’S  EDU CENTRE        29 C+     53.074     NAIROBI
    93 CARDINAL MAURICE OTUNGA    28 B-     53.070     KIAMBU
    94 CLAY INTERNATIONAL             30 C+     53.051     MAKUENI
    95 KENYA MUSLIM ACADEMY        38 C+     52.840     NAIROBI
    96 DON BOSCO TECHNICAL           39 C+     52.782     EMBU
    97 DARAJA ACADEMY                   26 C+     52.635     LAIKIPIA
    98 KIPKEINO SCHOOL – ELDORET    66 C+     52.610     UASIN GISHU
    99 BRISTAR GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL    53 C+     52.596     KIAMBU
    100 ST. CHARLES LWANGA            53 B-     52.582     KAKAMEGA

    Top 100 Schools for 2013 KCSE Exam per Subject

    Rank-School Name-Category of School-Students-Per Index-Subject Mean

    101 – English

    1. Strathmore School           Private     78      14.621923   11.487179
    2. Alliance High School         National  278      13.766159   10.967391
    3. Precious Blood Riruta       County    135      13.701629   10.948148
    4. Maseno School               National   238      13.394978   10.738396
    5. Chavakali High School      National   288      13.298048   10.672473

    102 – Kiswahili

    1. Kapsabet Boys                National   249      13.992811   11.767068
    2. Maryhill Girls High School   National   185      13.923621   11.691891
    3. Alliance High School         National   278      13.732789   11.605072
    4. Precious Blood Riruta       County     135      13.524592   11.429629
    5. The Kenya High School     National    206     13.303414   11.287804

    121 – Mathematics Alternative A

    1. Strathmore School            Private     78       13.768717   11.576923
    2. The Kenya High School      National   206      13.595073   11.312195
    3. Moi Tea Girls School          County      94      13.579680   11.457446
    4. Precious Blood Riruta         County     135      13.517703   11.348148
    5. Pioneer School                 Private     115      13.502260   11.330434

    231 – Biology

    1. Wamy High School            Private      80       14.090250   11.762500
    2. Alliance High School         National    278       13.842898   11.532608
    3. St. Francis Ranga’ala Girls  County     254      13.643438   11.474308
    4. St.Anthony’s Boys Kitale    County     239      13.575654   11.383966
    5. Kapsabet Boys                National     249      13.103614   11.068273

    232 – Physics

    1. St. Anthony’s Boys Kitale   County    178        14.047022   11.938202
    2. Alliance High School        National     278        13.939746   11.869565
    3. St. Francis Ranga’la Girls  County      254       13.723142    11.728571
    4. Light Academy               Private        20       13.556000    11.700000
    5. St. Joseph’s Boys Kitale   National     156       13.549290    11.729032

    233 – Chemistry

    1. St. Francis Ranga’la Girls  County     254        14.319370    11.456692
    2. Alliance High School       National     278        14.168586    11.358695
    3. Wamy High School         Private        94        14.122659    11.351063
    4. Molo Academy               County       50        14.002400    11.400000
    5. Kapsabet Boys              National     240        13.748875    11.095833

    311 – History & Government

    1. Nyangawa Boys’ High     County         60       13.002711    11.237288
    2. Kanyawanga Secondary  County       169       12.969523    11.184523
    3. Barding Secondary         County       149       12.944459    11.195945
    4. Kapsabet Boys             National       231       12.907662    11.151515
    5. Metkei Secondary         County         28        12.828571    11.107142

    312 – Geography

    1. Alliance High School      National        276      13.929200    11.800000
    2. Anestar Boys Lanet       Private         32        13.651785    11.642857
    3. Kisumu Boys’ High         County         69        13.593970    11.588235
    4. Moi High – Kabarak       Private          97        13.506804    11.546391
    5. Chewoyet High School   County         49        13.344693    11.428571

    313 – CRE

    1. St Brigids Kiminini         National        173       13.900404    11.791907
    2. Moi High School           Private          104      13.490769    11.528846
    3. Alliance High School     National         276     13.304057     11.405797
    4. Muranga High              National          45      13.272888    11.400000
    5. Plateau Secondary        County          44      13.195454    11.318181

    KCSE 2013 Results Top 5 & Bottom 5 Schools per County

    Rank – School Name – Students No.-Performance Index

    Top Schools in Taita Taveta County

    1. Kenyatta High Mwatate     191      53.369
    2. Murray Girls’ High School    137     52.022
    3. Dr. Aggrey High School      106     50.577
    4. Mwasere Girls’ Secondary   142     46.774
    5. Bura Girls                        165     45.651

    Bottom Schools in Taita aTaveta County

    1. Mgambonyi High School     19       12.011
    2. Mwanga Secondary          14       12.404
    3. Mata Secondary              38       12.783
    4. Mwangoji Secondary        15        13.513
    5. Mwatate High School       24        13.702

    Top Schools in Kwale County

    1. Kwale High School          188        48.521
    2. Matuga Girls High School  148       48.188
    3. Lulul High School              60       47.049
    4. Kingwende Mixed School   158      40.644
    5. St. Mary’s Seminary Kwale  40      39.038

    Bottom School in Kwale County

    1. Mwamzandi Secondary School     58     12.471
    2. Kinagoni Secondary School         51     12.945
    3. Kombani Secondary School         77     13.210
    4. Petals Academy                        47     13.864
    5. Ambassador Mwakwere High        44     14.174

    Top Schools in Mombasa County

    1. Light Academy                          21     67.594
    2. Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed            161     65.880
    3. Memon High School                   137     64.785   
    4. Istiqama Academy/Tuition Centre  25     64.517    
    5. Abu Hureira Academy                  57     63.367    

    Bottom Schools in Mombasa County

    1. Magongo Newligh Academy           35     10.978    
    2. Mombasa Secondary School          58     11.448    
    3. Likoni Community School               89    11.828    
    4. The Vision Senior School               17    12.441    
    5. Brainsworth School Bamburi          101    12.550

    Rank – School Name – Students No.-Performance Index
    Top Schools in Kilifi County

    1. Arabuko Forest High School            31    53.756
    2. Malindi Premier School                   41    51.698
    3. Malindi Progressive Academy          31    50.459
    4. Ribe Boys                                  185    50.396   
    5. Malindi High School                     156    50.009   

    Bottom Schools in Kilifi County

    1. Pwani Secondary/Vocational School  24   10.049
    2. Fundi-Issa Secondary School           22   10.872
    3. Rev Canon Kuri Memorial Secondary  29    12.734
    4. Mikahani Secondary                       25    13.242
    5. Babs Ridge Academy                      15    13.647    

    Top Schools in Tana River County

    1. Hola Boys Seconday School             96     25.401
    2. Tarasaa High                                 52    23.130
    3. Mau Mau Memorial Girls School         44     22.609
    4. Ngao Girls Seocndary School            61    21.530
    5. Kipini Secondary School                   31    21.529

    Bottom Schools in Tana River County

    1. Daku Mixed Secondary School          66    13.426
    2. Gadeni Secondary School                38    16.232
    3. Ndura Secondary School                 87    16.834
    4. Wenje Secondary School                 61    18.876
    5. Marifawo                                      44    19.093

    Top School in Lamu County

    1. Mpeketoni Secondary School          168     38.124     
    2. Sacred Heart Girls’ School                26     34.339
    3. Bahari Secondary School                 42     33.718
    4. Lamu Girls Secondary School           100     30.388
    5. Lamu Boys Secondary School            85     30.010

    Bottom School in Lamu County

    1. Kiunga Secondary School                  22     11.042
    2. Kizingitini Secondary                         27     12.008
    3. Witu Mjini Secondary School              69     12.286
    4.  Matondoni Secondary School            23     14.777
    5. Faza Secondary School                     42    15.237

    Rank – School Name – Students No.-Performance Index
    Top Schools in Nyandarua County

    1. Kisima Mixed Secondary School           34     67.480
    2. Nyahururru Elite Senior School            66     66.614
    3. Karima Girls                                    226     65.987
    4. Nyahururu High School                     182     64.775
    5. Nyandarua High School                     159     64.122

    Bottom Schools in Nyandarua County

    1. Stemah Senior School                         6     11.402
    2. St Sharon Secondary School                9     11.832
    3. Highway Millenium Secondary              26     13.223
    4. Centre of Achiever’s Mixed Day S.        30     14.170
    5. Iganjo Memorial Secondary School        14     14.756

    Top Schools in Nyeri County

    1. St. Mary’s Boys Secondary School       107     68.362   
    2. South Tetu Girls’ High School                97     68.071
    3. Kagumo High                                    233     67.992
    4. Mahiga Girls Secondary School            178     67.956
    5. Nyeri High School                              244     67.241

    Bottom School in Nyeri County

    1. Ndiriti Aguthi Mixed Secondary School     4     10.482
    2. Kiganjo Amboni Secondary School         13     10.893
    3. Gathiriti Secondry School                     19     11.268
    4. Ngaini Secondary School                      30     12.621
    5. Ichamara Orthodox Secondary School     12     12.909

    Top Schools in Kirinyaga County

    1. Kabare Girls’ High School                      182     64.247
    2. Mutira Girls Secondary School               185     62.074
    3. Ngiriambu Girls Secondary School           162     61.269
    4. Kianyaga High School                           217     58.040
    5. Kerugoya Girls High School                    173     57.112   

    Bottom Schools in Kirinyaga County

    1. Kinyakiiru Secondary                             19     14.990
    2. Kerugoya Upperhill Secondary                 14     15.095
    3. Gakindu Secondary School                     40     15.212
    4. St. Francis Kirinyaga Academy                20     15.518
    5. Kiandai Secondary School                      23     16.832

    Rank – School Name – Students No.-Performance Index
    Top School in Muranga County

    1. Muranga High                                      187     75.916
    2. Pioneer School                                     115     75.097
    3. Njiiri School                                         264     67.626
    4. Kahuhia Girls’ High School                       179     63.924
    5. Kiaguthu Boys Secondary School             147     58.321

    Bottom School in Muranga County

    1. Kaburugi Community High School               24     13.557
    2. Kiawambeu Secondary                            17      13.829
    3. Karuri Gakure Secondary School                35     14.097
    4. Mithini Secondary School                         26     14.835
    5. Karung’angi Secondary School                  33     14.944

    Top School in Kiambu County

    1. Alliance High School                               276     81.783
    2. Maryhill Girls High School                         185     76.826
    3. Loreto High School Limuru                       180     73.586
    4. Alliance Girls’ High School                        250     72.902
    5. Mangu High School                                 211     72.792

    Bottom School in Kiambu County

    1. FLP International Institute                           9     5.870
    2. Restoration of Hope Education Centre          21     9.137
    3. Kwa High Education Centre                        30     9.248
    4. Sigona St. Luke Secondary School              41     9.259
    5. Ondiri Girls High School                               5     9.396

    Top School in Machakos County

    1. Machakos Boys                                       189     64.622
    2. Machakos Girls’ High School                       209     62.922
    3. Lukenya High School                                  97     62.543
    4. Ndalani Secondary School                         164     61.912
    5. Carmel Girls Secondary School                     83     60.555

    Bottom School in Machakos County

    1. Kyulu Secondary School                              14     9.150
    2. Mutituni Secondary School                           47     11.037
    3. Great Genius High School                             42     11.943
    4. St. James Secondary School                         47    12.126
    5. Mulli High School                                         45     13.084

    Rank – School Name – Students No.-Performance Index
    Top Schools in Kitui County

    1. St Charles Lwanga School                           131     64.393
    2. Muthale Girls                                             178     63.726
    3. St. Angela’s Girls Secondary School               150     58.879
    4. Nzauni Secondary School                              42     56.805
    5. Kyamboo Secondary School                           59     56.206

    Bottom Schools in Kitui County

    1. St. Phlips Secondary School                           42     12.711
    2. Katumbi Mixed Day Secondary School                5     13.474
    3. Kabaa Secondary School                               40     13.967
    4. Gai Mixed Day Secondary School                     35     14.374
    5. Kandwia Secondary School                             13     14.379

    Top School in Embu County

    1. Kyeni Girls’ High School                                 139     68.673
    2. Nyangwa Boys’ High School                           106     67.959
    3. Nguviu Boys High School                               169     66.186
    4. Moi High Mbiruri                                           134     61.741
    5. Siakago Boys High School                              179     61.371

    Bottom School in Embu County

    1. Werus School Complex                                     6     15.230
    2. Kithunguthia Mixed Day School                         21     15.774
    3. Munyori Mixed Day Secondary                          14     18.263
    4. Winpride Secondary School                              45     18.274
    5. A.C.K Malikini Secondary School                        39     18.485

    Top Schools in Meru County

    1. St. Mary’s Girls High School Igoji                      146     66.280
    2. Kaaga Girls’ High School                                  180     63.964
    3. Bureiruri Boys Secondary School                       178     62.127
    4. Nkubu High School                                         172     61.947
    5. Miathene Boys High School                              122     59.920

    Bottom Scools in Meru County

    1. Imenti North Muslim Girls Boarding High School     89     12.592
    2. Kioni Generations High School                           41     13.693
    3. St Angelic Girls                                              43     13.924
    4. Holy Family Nkuene Secondary School                21     14.166
    5. Mukaragatine Mixed Day Secondary                   35     14.241

    Rank – School Name – Students No.-Performance Index
    Top Schools in Marsabit County

    1. St Paul Secondary School                                44     49.164
    2. Bishop Cavallera Girls Secondary School              45     47.864
    3. Dr. Godana Memorial Boys Secondary School        45     43.744
    4. OMC Secondary School                                    31     42.784
    5. Dakabaricha Secondary School                          59     32.855

    Bottom Schools in Marsabit County

    1. Dr. Gurracha Memorial Girls Secondary School       29     16.843
    2. Moyale Girls Secondary School                           39     18.779
    3. Sololo Boys Secondary School                            33     22.550
    4. Marsabit Boys High School                                103     22.863
    5. Laisamis Secondary School                                 47     23.023

    Top Schools in Isiolo County

    1. Sacred Heart of Jesus Minor Seminary                  29     41.386
    2. Macci Boys Secondary School                             13     33.674
    3. Isiolo St Mary’s Girls Secondary School                 52     33.546
    4. St. Paul’s Kiwanjani Secondary School                  82     30.149
    5. Macci Secondary School                                      9     29.068

    Bottom Schools in Isiolo County

    1. Garbatula High School                                       61     15.882
    2. Kinna Secondary School                                   124     17.097
    3. Merti Secondary School                                     32     17.850
    4. Merti Muslim Girls’ Secondary School                    38     21.889   
    5. Kipsing Mixed Day Secondary                              19     22.362

    Top Schools in Makueni County

    1. Precious Blood Secondary School – Kilungu             98     70.551
    2. Makueni Boys                                                  245     65.127
    3. Mukaa Boys’ High School                                   176     62.306
    4. Mbooni Girls                                                    208     62.076
    5. Makueni Girls High School                                  162     60.496

    Bottom Schools in Makueni County

    1. Syathani Secondary School                                27     13.031
    2. Kikuswi Secondary School                                  14     14.090
    3. St. Ann’s Girls-Machinery                                   10     15.012
    4. Chyeni Secondary School                                   26     15.188
    5. Ngaa Mixed Day Secondary School                       34     16.717

    Rank – School Name – Students No.-Performance Index
    Top Schools in Tharaka Nithi County

    1. Materi Girls Secondary School                              83     65.437
    2. Ikuu Boys High School                                       191     63.868
    3. Chogoria Boys High School                                 168     62.796
    4. Chogoria Girls                                                   238     59.361
    5. Ikawa Secondary School                                    144     56.798

    Bottom Schools in Tharaka Nithi County

    1. Gatue Secondary                                                 4     14.684
    2. Nica Karima Mixed Day                                         22     18.022
    3. St Teresa Kanthanje Secondary School                   16     18.232
    4. Miraa Miraja Mixed Day Secondary                          19     18.244
    5. Kamarandi Mixed Secondary                                  15     18.303

    Top Schools in Nairobi County

    1. Precious Blood Riruta                                         135     79.604
    2. Strathmore School                                              78     77.060
    3. The Kenya High School                                       205     76.030
    4. Nairobi School                                                   283     75.602
    5. Starehe Boys’ Centre & School                             208     74.757

    Bottom Schools in Nairobi County

    1. St. Michael Hill School                                          13     9.457
    2. St. Gabriel Secondary School                                 19     10.855
    3. Brookfields Education Centre                                130     11.272
    4. Faith Academy                                                    39     12.037
    5. S.S.D Secondary School                                        39     12.147

    Top Schools in Turkana County

    1. Turkana Girls’ Secondary School                             81     58.703
    2. Lodwar Boys High School                                     168     53.172
    3. Katilu Secondary School                                      117     41.648
    4. AIC Kang’itit Girls Secondary School                        66     36.275
    5. Kainuk mixed Secondary School                              76     33.302

    Bottom Schools in Turkana County

    1. P.A.G Lodwar Secondary School                             57     20.984
    2. Tarach Secondary School                                     99     22.308
    3. Kapedo Mixed Secondary                                      17     22.665
    4. S.A Nawoitorong Mixed Secondary School              120     23.071
    5. Kakuma Refugee Secondary School                       249     25.413

    Rank – School Name – Students No.-Performance Index
    Top Schools in Samburu County

    1. Good Shepherd Minor Seminary                              26     62.845
    2. St. Theresa’s Girls Secondary School                      39     62.843
    3. Maralal High School                                            125     54.976
    4. Samburu High School                                           20     45.955
    5. Wamba Boys Secondary School                             89     38.908

    Bottom Schools in Samburu County

    1. P.C.E.A Tum Girls Secondary School                       14     18.379
    2. Wamba Girls’ Secondary                                       30     23.074
    3. Barogoi Girls Secondary School                              39     25.036
    4.  Baragoi Boys Secondary School                            74     29.628
    5. Kirisia Secondary School                                     149     30.220

    Top Schools in Trans Nzoia County

    1. St. Anthony’s Boys’ High School – Kitale                 237     75.311
    2. St Brigids Kiminini                                               173     74.924
    3. St. Joseph’s Boys High School – Kitale                    321     64.507
    4. St.Teresa’s Secondary School Bikeke                     105     63.259
    5. St. Patricks’ Secondary School – Makunga                29     60.951

    Bottom Schools in Trans Nzoia County

    1. Tenderloin Mixed Secondary School                        59     15.558
    2. Mt. Emoru Secondary School                                46     16.478
    3. Friends Secondary School-Muroki                           26     17.578
    4. Nzoia Centre Secondary School                             20     17.610
    5. Huruma Hill High School                                        16     18.129

    Top Schools in West Pokot County

    1. Kapenguria Boys High School                               229     62.289
    2. Chewoyet High School                                        222     61.719
    3. Nasokol Girls Secondary School                            212     50.970
    4. Tartar Girls                                                       260     47.437
    5. Sook Boys Secondary School                                36     45.589

    Bottom Schools West Pokot County

    1. St. Mary’s of Mery Pserum Girls Secondary School     20     18.659
    2. St. Augustine Chepkopegh Boys’ Secondary School   19     20.790
    3. Paroo Secondary Day                                           32     21.790
    4. Kaibos Day Mixed Secondary                                 30     22.285
    5. St. Stephen’s Chepkono Secondary School              54     23.984

    Rank – School Name – Students No.-Performance Index
    Top Schools in Bomet County

    1. Moi Siongiroi Girls’ Secondary School                    155     70.123
    2. Tenwek High School                                          166     63.241
    3. Simoti Secondary School                                     63     58.949
    4. Kaplong Girls Secondary School                           159     58.909
    5. Saseta Girls’ Secondary School                           117     58.892

    Bottom Schools in Bomet County

    1. Kiplokyi Central Academy                                    59     13.347
    2. Kipsonoi Secondary School                                  34     17.681
    3. Terek Secondary School                                     22     17.842
    4. Kirimose Secondary School                                  28     18.362
    5. Chepchabas Secondary                                      39     18.506

    Top Schools in Uasin Gishu County

    1. Moi Girls’ High School- Eldoret                            214     73.333
    2. Segero Adventist High School                            182     71.048
    3. Turbo School                                                   21     65.914
    4. Mother of Apostles Seminary                               81     64.198
    5. Drys Girls Secondary School                              125     62.114

    Bottom Schools in Uasin Gishu County

    1. Eldoret Secondary School                                   90     14.560
    2. Amstevehussey Secondary School                        20     14.621
    3. Lorwa Secondary                                               42     15.852
    4. Lingway Secondary                                            17     16.831
    5. Rurigi Secondary School                                      96     17.063

    Top Schools in Nakuru County

    1. Moi High School Kabarak                                     272     79.862
    2. Molo Academy                                                    50     77.270
    3. Anestar Boys High School – Lanet                          81     75.128
    4. Nakuru Girls’ High School                                     156     72.730
    5. Utumishi Boys Academy                                       192     71.651

    Bottom Schools in Nakuru County

    1. Thugunui Secondary School                                   10     9.949
    2. Ngala Secondary School for the Deaf                       18     11.151   
    3. Bishop John Waichere Centre                                  24     12.496   
    4. New Elimu High School                                           15     12.526   
    5. Lanet Hillsview Academy                                        29     12.527

    Rank – School Name – Students No.-Performance Index
    Top Schools in Kericho County

    1. Moi Tea Girls Secondary           94   73.962    
    2. Litien High School                  257   68.409
    3. Kipsigis Girls’ High School         212   64.652    
    4. A.I.C Litein Girls Secondary     150    63.615    
    5. Sacred Heart Roret Girls           51    63.204

    Bottom Schools in Kericho County

    1. Kedowa Special Secondary      19     11.692
    2. Buttik High School                  28     15.538
    3. Tiriitab Moita Secondary          68     16.083
    4. Litein East Secondary School    38     17.048
    5. Ngororga Secondary                37    17.438

    Top Schools in Nandi County

    1. Kapsabet Boys                       249    79.062    
    2. Meteitei Boys Secondary         139     67.902    
    3. Kapsabet Girls High School       191     66.513    
    4. St. Joseph’s Girls-Chepterit      171    60.809    
    5. Samoie Boys Secondary School 155    60.739

    Bottom Schools in Nandi County

    1. Kapserton Non Formal E. Centre  18     11.936    
    2. A.I.C. Kaigat Secondary School   36    14.903    
    3. St. Peters Ngenyilel Secondary   21    18.160    
    4. Kamuny Secondary School         11    18.369    
    5. AIC Cheptwolio Secondry School 40     18.371

    Top Schools in Laikipia County

    1. Mary Mother of Grace Secondary 22    73.588    
    2. New Dawn Orphans Secondary    21     68.591    
    3. Thome Boys Secondary School    22     67.610    
    4. Nyahururu lite Girls Secondary     47     65.245    
    5. Njonjo Girls High School            193     62.007

    Bottom Schools in Laikipia County

    1. Temple Mount High School         21     12.807    
    2. Withare Day Secondary School   12    13.936    
    3. Male Secondary School             42     16.392    
    4. Nyariginu Secondary School       45     17.156    
    5. Mwituria Secondary School        20     17.741

    Rank – School Name – Students No.-Performance Index

    Top Schools in Kajiado County

    1. Maasai High School                  24     69.751
    2. Dawamu Academy                   49     64.420
    3. St. Patrick’s School                 24     61.352
    4. Oloolaiser High School            102     60.018
    5. Newlight Senior Girls’ School    123     58.530

    Bottom Schools in Kajiado County

    1. Kiserian Education Centre         25     13.644    
    2. Royal Star High School             22     15.853    
    3. Valley High School                   29     16.514    
    4. Meto Secondary School            83     16.716    
    5. Matrix Algebra Centre               71     16.754

    Top Schools in Narok County

    1. Fanaka High School                  24     46.643
    2. Sr Mary Stephen Nkoitoi Mixed  116     46.531
    3. Olchekut Supat Apostolic School 42     45.768
    4. Bishop Colin Davies Senior          24     45.450
    5. Kilgoris Boys Secondary School   47     43.274

    Bottom Schools in Narok County

    1. St. Thomas Aquinas High School   35     14.453    
    2. Olchorro Secondary School          68     16.205    
    3. Shankoe Secondary School          24     16.374    
    4. Siwot Secondary                        28     16.869    
    5. Enkare Nairowua Girls Secondary   23     17.696

    Top Schools in Baringo County

    1. Sacho High School                   153     67.870
    2. Kabarnet High School               197     59.902
    3. Baringo Boys High School          161     54.125
    4. Kapropita Girls High School        201     52.419
    5. Tabagon Girls’ Secondary           83     50.895

    Bottom Schools in Baringo County

    1. Kipsoit Mixed Day Secondry       32     13.216
    2. Tinet Mixed Day Secondary       18     15.330
    3. St Johns Secondary Kipsaraman 16     15.689
    4. Mugurin Secondary School         11     17.440
    5. Kibondo Mixed Secondary          20     18.243

    Rank – School Name – Students No.-Performance Index
    Top Schools in Elgeyo Marakwet County

    1. Sing’ore Girls Secondary School  159     67.147    
    2. Metkei Secondary School           113     67.006    
    3. Maria Soti Girls E. Centre             27     65.434    
    4. St. Peter’s Marakwet Boys         136     60.166    
    5. Chebara Secondary School        138     59.647    

    Bottom Schools in Elgeyo Marakwet County

    1. Atnas Kandie Secondary School    47     21.422
    2. Kondabilet Mixed Secondary         31     21.742
    3. Kapchelal Mixed Day Secondary    33     22.012
    4. Kapkoi Secondary School             23     22.218
    5. Kapkoros Girls Secondary School   27     22.800

    Top Schools in Busia County

    1. Sigalame High School                 148     61.177    
    2. St. Cecilia Nangina Girls High       193     54.218    
    3. S.A. Kolanya Girls Secondary       209     52.124
    4. Lugulu A.C Secondary School      120     51.211    
    5. S.A. Kolanya Boys High School     179     50.589

    Bottom Schools in Busia County

    1. St Joseph Royal Complex School    22     14.741
    2. St. Peter’s Kotur Secondary          30     17.206
    3. St Appolonuhs Secondary School     9     17.879
    4. St. Monica’s Butunyi Secondary     25     19.989
    5. St. Elizabeth Kabukui Secondary    17     20.361

    Top Schools in Bungoma County

    1. Friends Kamusinga                     284     71.533
    2. Lugulu Girls                              310     62.596
    3. Cardinal Otunga Girls High School 172     62.157
    4. Kibabii High School                    233     59.858
    5. Teremi Boys High School            316     59.129

    Bottom Schools in Bungoma County

    1. Lugusi Secondary School             13     15.744
    2. Friends School Kibunde Secondary 20     17.855
    3. Friends Girls Secondary Musembe   20     17.878
    4. Nakhwana Secondary School         56     17.966
    5. Bungoma Adult Secondary Centre  13     18.285

    Rank – School Name – Students No.-Performance Index
    Top Schools in Kakamega County

    1. St. Peter’s Mumias Boys’ High       248     67.574
    2. St. Peter’s Seminary                     49     66.193
    3. Booker Academy                         118     62.742
    4. Butere Girls High School                249     60.486
    5. St. Mary’s Mumias Girls Secondary  157     59.346

    Bottom Schools in Kakamega County

    1. Namushiya Secondary SChool          22     12.105
    2. Musali Secondary School                30     13.412
    3. Musingu Mixed Secondary School     16     13.642
    4. Friends Secondary School -Likhovero 22    14.972
    5. Friends Secondary School Shiswa     18     16.723

    Top Schools in Vihiga County

    1. Chavakali High School                   287     77.005
    2. Nyang’ori Boys High School            220     67.762
    3. Bunyore Girls                               266     66.894
    4. Keveye Girls’ High School               215     61.012
    5. Mudasa Academy                           34     59.623

    Bottom Schools in Vihiga County

    1. Emuhaya Continuing Education Centre 9     16.994
    2. Cheptech Secondary School            34     17.778
    3. Tsimbalo Secondary School             21     18.448
    4. Makuchi Secondary School              75     19.006
    5. Chebunaywa S A Secondary School  56     19.772

    Top Schools in Kisumu County

    1. Maseno School                            237     78.701
    2. Chemilil Sugar Academy                  88     71.386
    3. Kisumu Girls’ High School                257    66.903
    4. Kisumu Boys’ High School               267     63.478
    5. Thurdibuoro Mixed Secondary         280     61.272

    Bottom Schools in Kisumu County

    1. G.P. Owiti Chiga Mixed Secondary     28     17.593
    2. William Booth-Bar Kawarinda Mixed    21     18.187
    3. Kabondo Boys Secondary                16     18.267
    4. St Teresa and Elly High School         24     18.353
    5. Cherwa Mixed Secondary School       20     18.611

    Rank – School Name – Students No.-Performance Index
    Top Scchools in Kisii County

    1. Kisii High                                       323     72.266
    2. St. Charles Lwanga Ichuni Girls High    82     67.722
    3. Nyabigena Secondary School            126     64.609
    4. Nyakoiba Secondary School              188     62.834
    5. Kereri Girls High School                     232     62.287

    Bottom Schools in Kisii County

    1. Nyota Marani Secondary School          48     11.506
    2. Enchoro PEFA Secondary School         71     12.989
    3. Ikuruma Academy                            29     13.315
    4. St Joseph’s Etono Mixed Secondary     52     13.763
    5. Nyagancha Mixed Secondary School    56     13.945

    Top Schools in Homa Bay County

    1. Agoro Sare High School                    196     69.737
    2. Asumbi Girls                                    235     69.307
    3. Mbita High School                            183     65.626
    4. Orero Boys Secondary School             185     65.065
    5. Homa Bay High School                       253    63.151

    Bottom Schools in Homa Bay County

    1. Ndhiwa Mixed Secondary School          24     14.061
    2. Lady Sharon Academy                       32     15.376
    3. Koredo Mixed Secondary School          23     15.483
    4. Joshua Ojode Mixed Secondary           29     15.688
    5. LakeviLLE Academy                            7     16.313

    Top Schools in Siaya County

    1. St. Francis Ranga’la Girls Secondary    254     74.633
    2. Barding Secondary School                 150     68.285
    3. Nyamira Girls Secondary School          233     67.724
    4. St. Mary’s School, Yala                     235     66.201
    5. Ramba Secondary School                   207     65.909

    Bottom Schools in Siaya County

    1. Fr. Oudeera Secondary School             12     16.920
    2. Hopewell Academy                             17     18.245
    3. Gospel Mission Academy                       9     18.726
    4. Nyamor Secondary School                   17     18.951
    5. Agwara Mixed Secondary School          29     20.156

    Rank – School Name – Students No.-Performance Index
    To Schools in Nyamira County

    1. Nyambaria High School                     236     60.447
    2. Sironga Girls High School                  193     56.464
    3. St. Peter’s Nyakemincha Secondary     76     54.742
    4. Mwongori Secondary School               81     54.548
    5. St. Paul’s Nyandoche                        58     51.857

    Bottom Schools in Nyamira County

    1. John Okongo Secondary School         87     11.947
    2. Riomego PAG Girls Secondary School  75     13.221
    3. St Teresa Mixed Secondary School    34     14.144
    4. St Theresas OVC Center                  57     14.655
    5. St. Luke’s Nuasumi D.O.K. Secondary 18     15.039

    Top Schools in Migori County

    1. Kanga High                                     295     71.612
    2. St Joseph’s Rapogi Secondary School  207     70.218
    3. Kanyawanga Secondary School          202     69.676
    4. Kadika Girls’ Secondary School           201     61.277
    5. Kokuro Secondary School                   72     61.134

    Bottom Schools in Migori County

    1. Kionyo Mixed Secondary School           52     12.964
    2. Rongo Masogo Complex Academy         21     13.111
    3. Santazarene High School                    24     15.440
    4. Fr Angelo Kehancha Academy            116     15.804
    5. Sakur Girls’ Secondary School              19     16.599

    Top Schools in Garissa County

    1. Garissa High                                    240     38.197
    2. Ikhlas Intergrated High School             29      38.093
    3. Mnara Girls High School                      22      37.359
    4. Young Muslim High School                   87     35.620
    5. Dagahaley Secondary                        60     32.590

    Bottom Schools in Garissa County

    1. Alfatah                                           36     157
    2. Mansabubu                                     27      161
    3. Unity Rivate                                   167     162
    4. Sangailu Primary                               67     163
    5. Central Dagahaley                            195    163

    Rank – School Name – Students No.-Performance Index
    Top Schools in Mandera County

    1. Chief Mohamed Jari Secondary School  42     32.907
    2. Sheikh Ali High School                      146     32.704
    3. Mandera Secondary School               225     32.544
    4. Buruburu Day Boys Secondary School   50     28.990
    5. Rhamu Dimtu Boys Secondary             55     27.258

    Bottom Schools in Mandera County

    1. Talent High Mixed Secondary             63     12.383
    2. Rhamu Secondary School                  46     12.861
    3. Khadija Girls Day Secondary School     47     12.871
    4. Ashabito Girls Secondary School         36     15.684
    5. Rhamu Day Mixed Secondary            100     15.881

    2013 KCSE Results National Schools Order of Merit

    National schools with D students » » What went wrong with top schools?

    Rank – School Name – Students No. – Grade – Pers Index – County
    1. Alliance High School               276     A-       81.783          Kiambu
    2. Kapsabet Boys                      249     A-       79.062          Nandi
    3. Maseno School                      237     A-       78.701          Kisumu
    4. Chavakali High School             287     A-       77.005          Vihiga
    5. Maryhill Girls High School         185     A-        76.826         Kiambu
    6. The Kenya High School           205      A-       76.030         Nairobi
    7. Muranga High                        187     A-       75.916          Murang’a
    8. Nairobi School                       283     A-       75.602          Nairobi
    9. St Brigids Kiminini                   173     B+       74.924        Transnzoia
    10. Starehe Boys’ Centre            208     B+       74.757          Nairobi
    11. Loreto High School Limuru      180     B+       73.586          Kiambu
    12. Starehe Girls’ Centre              76      B+       73.418          Nairobi
    13. Moi Girls’ High School Eldoret  214      B+       73.333       Uasin Gishu
    14. Alliance Girls’ High School        250     B+        72.902         Kiambu
    15. Mangu High School                211     B+       72.792          Kiambu
    16. Nakuru Girls’ High School        156      B+       72.730         Nakuru
    17. Kisii High                             323      B+       72.266         Kisii
    18. Utumishi Boys Academy         192      B+       71.651         Nakuru
    19. Kanga High                          295      B+       71.612         Migori
    20. Friends Kamusinga                284       B+       71.533        Bungoma
    21. Nakuru High School               193       B+       70.577        Nakuru
    22. Limuru Girls’ School               217       B+       70.536        Kiambu
    23. Lenana School                      248       B+      70.333        Nairobi
    24. Pangani Girls                         282      B+       70.281        Nairobi
    25. Asumbi Girls                          235      B+       69.307       Homa Bay
    26. Kagumo High                         233      B         67.992       Nyeri
    27. Kisumu Girl’s High School          257      B        66.903       Kisumu
    28. Bunyore Girls                         266      B         66.894      Vihiga
    29. St. Mary’s Girls High Igoji         146      B         66.280       Meru
    30. Moi Forces Academy Nairobi     230      B        66.050        Nairobi
    31. Karima Girls                           226      B        65.987      Nyandarua
    32. Moi Forces Academy Lanet      190       B        65.962       Nakuru
    33. Mbita High School                  183       B        65.626      Homa Bay
    34. Makueni Boys                        245       B        65.127      Makueni
    35. Bishop Gatimu Ngandu Girls      205       B        64.674      Nyeri
    36. Kipsigis Girls’ High School         212       B        64.652      Kericho
    37. Machakos Boys                     189        B        64.622     Machakos
    38. St. Joseph’s Boys High Kitale   321        B        64.507     Transnzoia
    39. Kabare Girls’ High School        182         B        64.247     Kirinyaga
    40. Ikuu Boys High School           191         B        63.868   Tharakanithi
    41. Muthale Girls                       178         B         63.726      Kitui
    42. Lugulu Girls                         310         B         62.596    Bungoma
    43. Njonjo Girls High School         193         B         62.007    Laikipia
    44. Moi High Mbiruri                   134          B        61.741     Embu
    45. Nyabururu Girls                    245          B        61.553     Kisii
    46. Butere Girls High School         249          B-      60.486    Kakamega
    47. Nyambaria High School          236          B-       60.447    Nyamira
    48. St Patrick Iten                     160          B-      59.556   E Marakwet
    49. Chogoria Girls                       238         B-      59.361   Tharakanithi
    50. Kakamega High                     293         B-      58.945     Kakamega
    51. Kaplong Girls Secondary         159         B-      58.909     Bomet
    52. Mugoiri Girls High School         287        B-       57.367     Murang’a
    53. Mama Ngina Girls                   135        B-       57.306    Mombasa
    54. Moi Girls Isinya                      146        B-       56.994    Kajiado
    55. Maralal High School                125        B-      54.976    Samburu
    56. Moi Kapsowar Girls                 126        B-      54.922   E. Marakwet
    57. Baricho High School                232       B-      54.730     Kirinyaga
    58. Siakago Girls High School         140       B-       54.459    Embu
    59. Baringo Boys High School         161       B-       54.125    Baringo
    60. Kenyatta High Mwatate           191       B-       53.369 Taita Taveta
    61. Lodwar Boys High School         168       B-       53.172   Turkana
    62. Ribe Boys                              185      C+       50.396   Kilifi
    63. Kwale High School                   188      C+       48.521   Kwale
    64. Matuga Girls High School          148       C+       48.188   Kwale
    65. Kitui High                               161      C+       47.963    Kitui
    66. Tartar Girls                             260      C+       47.437  West Pokot
    67. Bura Girls                               165      C+      45.651  Taita Taveta
    68. Shimo-La-Tewa School             170      C        44.619   Mombasa
    69. Kilgoris Boys Secondary School    47      C        43.274   Narok
    70. Ole Tipis Girls Secondary School  158     C-       38.648   Narok
    71. Garissa High                              240    C-       38.197  Garissa
    72. Moi Girls Secondary Marsabit       88      D+       31.043   Marsabit
    73. Isiolo Girls High School               79       D        22.852   Isiolo
    74. Nep Girls High                           96       D       19.741   Garissa

    2013 KCSE 2013, Top 100 Positions (District Schools)

    Rank – School Name – Students No. – Grade – Pers Index – County
    1. Thome Boys Secondary School     22      B          67.610     Laikipia
    2. St.Teresa’s Secondary School     105     B          63.259     Transzoia
    3. Nyakoiba Secondary School        188     B          62.834      Kisii
    4. Elburgon Secondary School         134     B          62.692     Nakuru
    5. Nyambare Secondary School         49     B          62.306     Siaya
    6. Ndalani Secondary School           164     B          61.912     Machakos
    7. Hema – Chitago Secondary           79     B          61.617      Kisii
    8. St. Edward Nyabioto Secondary    28     B           61.099     Kisii
    9. St. Patricks’ Secondary Makunga   29     B-       60.951     Transnzoia
    10.  Nairobi Muslim Academy             58     B-       59.184       Nairobi
    11. Simoti Secondary School             63     B-      58.949       Bomet
    12. Mabole Boys Secondary School    29     B-       58.614     Kakamega
    13. St Colimban’s Secondary School   89     B-       57.990     Transnzoia
    14. Chebonei Girls Secondary School 103     B-       57.861      Bomet
    15. St. Michael Nyarongi Mixed School 35    B-       57.685      Migori
    16. Longisa High School                   262    B-       57.228      Bomet
    17. Ikerege Mixed Secondary School    59    B-       57.092      Migori
    18. Sega Township Mixed Day School  72     B-       56.700      Siaya
    19. St. James Namamba Secondary     62     B-      56.643     Kakamega
    20. Emenwa Secondary School           39     B-       56.354      Kisii
    21. Gaichanjiru High School              113     B-       56.008      Murang’a
    22. B.L. Tezza Secondary School        50     B-       55.970      Migori
    23. St. Stephen’s Siginga Secondary   34     B-       55.834       Siaya
    24. Moi Secondary School, Amalo       85     B-        55.625        Nakuru
    25. Ober Secondary School              115     B-       55.434     Homa Bay
    26. Langalanga Secondary School      149     B-       55.357     Nakuru
    27. Nyagatugu Secondary School       109     B-       55.314     Murang’a
    28. Chepkunyuk Secondary School       38     B-       55.261     Nandi
    29. Sirembe Mixed Secondary School    31     B-       55.224     Siaya
    30. St. Stephen’s Menara School       101     B-        54.991     Kisumu
    31. St. Peter’s Nyakemincha School     76     B-        54.742     Nyamira
    32. Mwongori Secondary School          81     B-        54.548     Nyamira
    33. Mukaa Girls High School                89     B-        54.142     Makueni
    34. Menengai High School                 277     B-        53.945     Nakuru
    35. St. Gabriel’s Mirere Secondary       36      B-      53.861     Kakamega
    36. Nyakoko Mixed Day Secondary       71     B-        53.527     Kisumu
    37. Kibomet Secondary School            89     C+     53.238     Transnzoia
    38. Kiurani Secondary School              46     B-      53.101 Tharaka Nithi
    39. Kamureito High School                  66     C+     53.028      Bomet
    40. Naikuru P.A.G Secondary School   103     C+      52.983      Kisii
    41. Wiobiero Secondary School          218     C+     52.892     Homa Bay
    42. God Ber Secondary School             82     C+     52.868     Homa Bay
    43. Allidina Visram High School           152     C+     52.836     Mombasa
    44. St. Martha’s Mwitoti Secondary    152     C+     52.794     Kakamega
    45. Wareng High School                    212     C+     52.755   Uasin Gishu
    46. Dago-Kokore Secondary School      77     C+     52.540     Kisumu
    47. St Benedict’s Kithimu DaySchool     46     C+     52.526     Embu
    48. Bavuni Secondary                       153     C+     52.418     Nakuru
    49. Riambase DEB Secondary School     36     C+     52.057     Kisii
    50. Ntharene Day Secondary              112     C+     52.007     Meru
    51. Matunda S. A Secondary             132     C+     51.968     Kakamega
    52. St. Paul’s Nyandoche                    58     C+     51.857     Nyamira
    53. Transnzoia Mixed Secondary           48     C+     51.850   Transnzoia
    54. St Mathias Mulumba Secondary       58     C+     51.610     Nyamira
    55. Amabuko Secondary School          239     C+      51.375     Kisii
    56. St. Michael Ingusi Secondary         31     C+      51.341    Kakamega
    57. Itabua Secondary School              79      C+      51.289     Embu
    58. Kivuthini Secondary School            64      C+     51.059     Makueni
    59. Kariene Mixed Day Secondary         28      C+     51.007     Meru
    60. Thiru Secondary School                 91     C+      50.938     Laikipia
    61. Malomba Secondary School            29     C+     50.784     Siaya
    62. Eldama Ravine Girls High School      99     C+     50.505     Baringo
    63. Nyamesocho Secondary School      39     C+     50.454     Kisii
    64. Kiini Secondary School                  93     C+     50.390  Tharakanithi
    65. Mobamba Secondary School         136     C+     50.365     Kisii
    66. Mumbuni Girls’ School                  103     C+     50.295     Machakos
    67. AIC Birbiriet Secondary                 29     C+     50.279    Transnzoia
    68. St Monica Secondary Kapkoros       36     C+     50.217     Nandi
    69. Sang’alo Secondary School            48     C+     49.970     Bungoma
    70. St. Anne’s Secondary School         31     C+     49.900     Homa Bay
    71. Nambale Urban Secondary School   34     C+     49.841     Busia
    72. Anjego Mixed Secondary School     52     C+     49.784     Migori
    73. St John Tachasis Mixed Day School 48     C+     49.583     Nandi
    74. Kebulonik Secondary School          49     C+     49.583     Nandi
    74. Gucha SDA Mixed Secondary         30     C+     49.548     Nyamira
    76. GOT Rateng’ Secondary School      81     C+     49.437     Homa Bay
    77. Nduru Girls’ Secondary School        39     C+     49.279     Kisii
    78. Mosisa Secondary School              65     C+     49.218     Kisii
    79. Moi’s Bridge Secondary School       31     C+     49.144    Uasin Gishu
    80. Kahuho Uhuru High School           198     C+     49.095     Kiambu
    81. Heni Secondary School                 89     C+     49.092     Nyandarua
    82. Molo Secondary School               170     C+     49.012     Nakuru
    83. Baraka Oontoyie Secondary School 80     C+     48.973     Kajiado
    84. Katolo Mixed Secondary School     136     C+     48.889     Kisumu
    85. Kowuor Mixed Secondary School     35     C+     48.825     Homa Bay
    86. William Ng’iru Gitau Secondary      118     C+     48.779     Kiambu
    87. Masimba High School                    75     C+     48.538     Kisii
    88. St. James Kiaritha Secondary       109     C+     48.520     Kirinyaga
    89. Esibila Secondary School               86     C+     48.403     Vihiga
    90. Malewa Secondary School            29     C+      48.345    Nyandarua
    91. Eta Secondary School                  82     C+     48.296     Nyandarua
    92. Sivilie Secondary School               59     C+     48.191     Kakamega
    93. Gesiaga Secondary School            74     C+     48.185     Nyamira
    94. Kapkolei Girls Secondary School     116    C+     48.131     Nandi
    95. St.Theresa’s Secondary Sikhendu   56     C+     47.950    Transnzoia
    96. St. Mary’s Mon Secondary School   40     C+     47.908  E. Marakwet
    97. St. Peter’s Sirikhaya Secondary      28     C+     47.868     Busia
    98. Mogoma Secondary School            25     C+     47.677     Bomet
    99. St. Joseph’s Chakol Secondary      105     C+     47.554     Busia
    100. Nyalkinyi Mixed Secondary           89     C+     47.532     Homa Bay

    Top 100 Schools for 2012 KCSE Results released in 2013 – Top School Nationally.

    1. Moi High School Kabarak
    2. Alliance High School
    3. Mary Mother of Grace Secondary School
    4. Strathmore School
    5. The Kenya High School
    6. Alliance Girls’ High School
    7. Maranda High
    8. Loreto High School Limuru
    9. Moi Girls’ High School – Eldoret
    10. Precious Blood Riruta
    11. Molo Academy
    12. Starehe Boys’ Centre & School
    13. Kapsabet Boys
    14. Maseno School
    15. Mary Hill Girls High School
    16. Anestar Boys High Sch – Lanet
    17. Moi Tea Girls Secondary School
    18. Pioneer School
    19. Nairobi School
    20. Nyahururu Elite Girls Sec School
    21. Kanga High
    22. Wamy High School
    23. Pangani High
    24. Mangu High School
    25.  Anestar Boys High School
    26. Karima Girls
    27. Kisima Mixed Secondary School
    28. Kianda School
    29. St Joseph’s Rapogi Secondary School
    30. Metkei Secondary School
    31. St Mary’s Boys Secondary School
    32. Sacho High School
    33. Limuru Girls’ School
    34. Starehe Girls’ School
    35. Meru School
    36. Kemeloi Boys Secondary School
    37. Njiiri School
    38. Litein High School
    39. Maasai High School
    40. St Brigids Kiminini
    41. Kyeni Girls’ High School
    42. Mary Mount Secondary School
    43. Chewoyet H. Sch
    44. Bahati Girls Secondary School
    45. Friends Kamusinga
    46. Light Academy
    47. Nyang’ori Boys High School
    48. Nyahururu Elite Senior School
    49. Precious Blood Sec. School – Kilungu
    50. St Teresa’s Secondary School Bikeke
    51. Don Bosco Secondary School
    52. St Joseph’s Seminary – Molo
    53. Sawagongo High School
    54. Agoro Sare High School
    55. Bishop Gatimu Ngandu Girls High School
    56. Ontulili Boys Secondary School
    57. Buruburu Girls Sec
    58. Consolata School
    59. South Tetu Girls’ High School
    60. Nyeri High School
    61. Bureiruri Boys Secondary School
    62. Ramba Secondary School
    63. Tengecha Boys High School
    64. Naivasha Girls Secondary School
    65. Dawamu Academy
    66. Moi Siongiroi Girls’ Secondary School
    67. Moi Forces Academy Lanet
    68. Lenana School
    69. Segero SDA
    70. Vanessa Grant High School
    71. Nguviu Boys High School
    72. St. Marys School Yala
    73. St Clare Girls’ Secondary – Elburgon
    74. Materi Girls Secondary School
    75. Muranga High
    76. Moi Girls’ School Nairobi
    77. Machakos Girls’ High School
    78. Mahiga Girls Secondary School
    79. Kagumo High
    80. Asumbi Gilrs
    81. Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan Secondary
    82. Njabini Boys High School
    83. Sing’ore Girls Secondary School
    84. Utumishi Boys Academy
    85. Kisumu Girls’ High School
    86. Muthale Girls
    87. St Charles Lwanga School
    88. St Patrick Iten
    89. Bunyore Girls
    90. Mt Laverna Girls’ Sec School
    91. Kapsabet Girls High School
    92. Booker Academy
    93. Mbooni Girls
    94. St. Francis Girls High School (Mangu)
    95. St Anthony’s Boys’ High School – Kitale
    96. Maria Soti Gilrs Educational Centre
    97. Kisii High
    98. St Anne’s Sec. School – Lioki
    99. Machakos Boys
    100. Moi High Mbiruri

    Top 100 County Schools for 2011 KCSE Results released in 2012County Schools Only – County Schools Order of Ranking

    1. Maranda High School
    2. Molo Academy
    3. Precious Blood Riruta
    4. Pangani Girls’ School
    5. Bahati Girls Secondary School
    6. Precious Blood Secondary School – Kilungu
    7. ST Joseph’s Rapogi Secondary School
    8. Friends School Kamusinga
    9. Kibabii High School
    10. Bishop Gatimu Ngandu Girls High School  
    11. Kapsabet High School
    12. Kyeni Girl’s High School
    13. Moi Tea Girls Secondary School
    14. ST. Mary’s School, Yala
    15. Naivasha Girls Secondary School
    16. Karima Girls High School
    17. Njiiri School  
    18. Nyeri High School
    19. Moi High school Mbiruri
    20. Njabini Boys High School  
    21. ST. Anthony’s Boys’ High School – Kitale
    22. Murang’a High School
    23. Mary Mount Secondary School
    24. ST. Anne’s Secondary School -Lioko
    25. ST Mary’s Girls High School Igoji
    26. Mahiga Girls Secondary School
    27. ST Charles Lwanga School
    28. ST Brigid’s Girls High School – Kiminini  
    29. ST. Peter’s Mumias Boys’ High School  
    30. Makueni Boys High School
    31. ST. Patrick’s High School – Iten
    32. Kabare Girls’ High School  
    33. Meru School
    34. Orero Boys Secondary School  
    35. Kagumo High School 9
    36. Litein High School
    37. Tenwek High School
    38. ST. Francis Girls High School (Niang’u)
    39. Moi Girls’ School Nairobi
    40. Nyambaria High School
    41. Muthale Girls’ Secondary School
    42. Nyang’ori Boys High Schoo
    43. Tengecha Girls
    44. Lugulu Girls’ High School
    45. Kapsabet Girls High School
    46. Bureiruri Boys Secondary School
    47. Ramba Secondary School
    48. Chavakali High School
    49. Kaplong Girls Secondary School
    50. Bunyore Girls High School
    51. Agoro Sare High School
    52. Mbita High School
    53. Kapenguria Boys High School
    54. Mbooni Girls
    55. South Tetu Girls’s High School
    56. Nyandarua High School
    57. Kisuiviu Boys’ High School
    58. Machakos School
    59. Chogoria Girls High School  
    60. Meteitei Boys Secondary School
    61. Moi Siongiroi Girls’ Secondary School
    62. Kiambu High School  
    63. Ksii High School
    64. Homa Bay High School
    65. Kanjuri High School
    66. Kisumu Girls’ High School
    67. Asumbi Girls’ High School
    68. Othaya Boys High School
    69. Kahuhia Girls’ High School
    70. Nyahururu High School
    71. ST. Joseph’s Boys High School
    72. Ngiya Girls High School –  9
    73. Kabaianga High School
    74. Buruburu Girls Secondary School
    75. Baricho High School
    76. Kariivia Boys’ High School  
    77. Kerugoya Boys High School
    78. ST. George’s Girls’ Secondary School
    79. Ikuu Boys High School
    80. Ndururumo High School
    81. ST.Joseph’s Girls-Chepterit
    82. Kipsigis Girls’ High School
    83. Chuka Boys High School
    84. Machakos Girls’ High School
    85. Butula High School
    86. Matinyani Secondary School
    87. Kabarnet High School
    88. Moi Gesusu High School
    89. Siakago Boys High School
    90. Chogoria Boys High School
    91. Mukaa Boys’ High School
    92. Sing’ore Girls Secondary School
    93. ST. Mary’s Lwak Girls’ School
    94. Loreto High School, Matunda
    95. Tengecha Boys High School
    96. Kianyaga High School
    97. Nkubu High School
    98. Sironga Girls High School
    99. Kitondo Secondary School
    100. Kakamega High School

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    Release of KCPE 2024 Results
    Release of KCPE Exams 2022
    Release of KCPE Exams 2023
    Release of KCPE Exams 2024
    Release of KCPE Results 2022
    Release of KCPE Results 2023
    Release of KCPE Results 2024
    Release of KCSE Results 2022
    Release of KCSE Results 2023
    Release of KCSE Results 2024
    Release Time of KCPE 2022
    Release Time of KCPE 2023
    Release Time of KCPE 2024
    Release Times of KCPE 2022
    Release Times of KCPE 2023
    Release Times of KCPE 2024
    Results KCPE 2022
    Results KCPE 2023
    Results KCPE 2024
    Results Release Day and Dates by Knec
    Results Release Day and Dates by Knec KCPE
    Results Slip 2022 KCPE
    Results Slip 2023 KCPE
    Results Slip 2024 KCPE
    Revised 2022 KCPE Results Timetable
    Revised 2022 KCPE Timetable
    Revised 2023 KCPE Results Timetable
    Revised 2023 KCPE Timetable
    Revised 2024 KCPE Results Timetable
    Revised 2024 KCPE Timetable
    Revised KCPE Results Timetable 2022
    Revised KCPE Results Timetable 2023
    Revised KCPE Results Timetable 2024
    Revised KCPE Timetable 2022
    Revised KCPE Timetable 2023
    Revised KCPE Timetable 2024
    Rift Valley KCPE Results 2022
    Rift Valley KCPE Results 2022/2022
    Rift Valley KCPE Results 2023
    Rift Valley KCPE Results 2023/2023
    Rift Valley KCPE Results 2024
    Rift Valley KCPE Results 2024/2024
    Samburu County KCPE Results 2022
    Samburu County KCPE Results 2022/2022
    Samburu County KCPE Results 2023
    Samburu County KCPE Results 2023/2023
    Samburu County KCPE Results 2024
    Samburu County KCPE Results 2024/2024
    School 2022 KCPE Results
    School 2023 KCPE Results
    School 2024 KCPE Results
    School KCPE Results 2022
    School KCPE Results 2023
    School KCPE Results 2024
    School Records Over 90 Pupils With 400 Marks and Above
    Siaya County KCPE Results 2022
    Siaya County KCPE Results 2022/2022
    Siaya County KCPE Results 2023
    Siaya County KCPE Results 2023/2023
    Siaya County KCPE Results 2024
    Siaya County KCPE Results 2024/2024
    Sms Number for Checking KCPE
    Sms Number for Today KCPE Result
    Sms Number for Today KCPE Results
    Taita-taveta County KCPE Results 2022
    Taita-taveta County KCPE Results 2022/2022
    Taita-taveta County KCPE Results 2023
    Taita-taveta County KCPE Results 2023/2023
    Taita-taveta County KCPE Results 2024
    Taita-taveta County KCPE Results 2024/2024
    Tana River County KCPE Results 2022
    Tana River County KCPE Results 2022/2022
    Tana River County KCPE Results 2023
    Tana River County KCPE Results 2023/2023
    Tana River County KCPE Results 2024
    Tana River County KCPE Results 2024/2024
    Term Dates 2022 Kenyan Schools
    Term Dates 2023 Kenyan Schools
    Term Dates 2024 Kenyan Schools
    Term Dates Kenya 2022
    Term Dates Kenya 2023
    Term Dates Kenya 2024
    Tharaka-nithi County KCPE Results 2022
    Tharaka-nithi County KCPE Results 2022/2022
    Tharaka-nithi County KCPE Results 2023
    Tharaka-nithi County KCPE Results 2023/2023
    Tharaka-nithi County KCPE Results 2024
    Tharaka-nithi County KCPE Results 2024/2024
    The Date of Releasing KCPE 2022 Exam
    The Date of Releasing KCPE 2022 Exam When is KCPE Exam Being Releast 2022 KCPE Results Releasing Day When Are the KCPE Results Coming Out When Will KCPE Results Be Announced? When Will Be the Realese of KCPE Results When Will KCPE Results 2022 Be Out? KCPE Results of the Year 2022 Will Be Released on When? The Date When KCPE Results 2022 Will Be Released When Will KCPE Result Be Out? Knec;KCPE 2022 Results Release Date When is KCPE Exam Being Releast When Will KCPE Exam Annoced the Date of Releasing KCPE 2022 Exam KCPE Releasing Day KCPE 2022 Results Release Date When Will KCPE 2022 Results Be Out? Which Date is 2022 KCPE Results Coming Out? Release of KCPE Exams 2022 When is the K.c.p.e Results Being Announced KCPE 2022 Result Release Date? K.c.p.e Details Annouencement Period KCPE 2022 Results Release Date Breaking News About 2022 Release of KCPE Results Annoncing of KCPE and KCPE Resurlt 2022 When Will KCPE Results Be Released KCPE 2022 Results Release Date When Will Results of KCPE 2022 Be Released ? 2022 Date When KCPE Will Be Released KCPE 2022 Result Announcement. KCPE 2022 Results Date of Release Updates Annoncing of KCPE and KCPE Resurlt 2022 Date Pf 2022 KCPE Results Announcement by Matiagi Release Date for KCPE KCPE 2022 Result Release Date KCPE Results 2022 Announcement KCPE 2022 Results Date KCPE 2022 Release Dates Which is the Best School in Kenya KCPE When is KCPE Results is Being Released When Will 2022 KCPE Exam Be Released When Will KCPE Results Be Released When Will 2022 KCPE Rests Be Released When Do KCPE Results 2022 Announce Update on KCPE the Knec Breaking News KCPE 2022 Result Release Day Date of Release of KCPE Exams 2022 Announcement Date for KCPE When Will KCPE 2022 Results Be Released? When is the Release of KCPE 2022 2022 K C.p.e Results Day of Announcement of Results Date of Release of 2022 KCPE Results When Are KCPE Results 2022 Being Released 2022 KCPE to Be Released on? – When is Form Four Results Released – Time for KCPE2022 Realese – Time of KCPE Release – Date of Form 4 Results Announcement – at What Time Will the KCPE Results Be Announced?
    The Date of Releasing KCPE 2023 Exam
    The Date of Releasing KCPE 2023 Exam When is KCPE Exam Being Releast 2023 KCPE Results Releasing Day When Are the KCPE Results Coming Out When Will KCPE Results Be Announced? When Will Be the Realese of KCPE Results When Will KCPE Results 2023 Be Out? KCPE Results of the Year 2023 Will Be Released on When? The Date When KCPE Results 2023 Will Be Released When Will KCPE Result Be Out? Knec;KCPE 2023 Results Release Date When is KCPE Exam Being Releast When Will KCPE Exam Annoced the Date of Releasing KCPE 2023 Exam KCPE Releasing Day KCPE 2023 Results Release Date When Will KCPE 2023 Results Be Out? Which Date is 2023 KCPE Results Coming Out? Release of KCPE Exams 2023 When is the K.c.p.e Results Being Announced KCPE 2023 Result Release Date? K.c.p.e Details Annouencement Period KCPE 2023 Results Release Date Breaking News About 2023 Release of KCPE Results Annoncing of KCPE and KCPE Resurlt 2023 When Will KCPE Results Be Released KCPE 2023 Results Release Date When Will Results of KCPE 2023 Be Released ? 2023 Date When KCPE Will Be Released KCPE 2023 Result Announcement. KCPE 2023 Results Date of Release Updates Annoncing of KCPE and KCPE Resurlt 2023 Date Pf 2023 KCPE Results Announcement by Matiagi Release Date for KCPE KCPE 2023 Result Release Date KCPE Results 2023 Announcement KCPE 2023 Results Date KCPE 2023 Release Dates Which is the Best School in Kenya KCPE When is KCPE Results is Being Released When Will 2023 KCPE Exam Be Released When Will KCPE Results Be Released When Will 2023 KCPE Rests Be Released When Do KCPE Results 2023 Announce Update on KCPE the Knec Breaking News KCPE 2023 Result Release Day Date of Release of KCPE Exams 2023 Announcement Date for KCPE When Will KCPE 2023 Results Be Released? When is the Release of KCPE 2023 2023 K C.p.e Results Day of Announcement of Results Date of Release of 2023 KCPE Results When Are KCPE Results 2023 Being Released 2023 KCPE to Be Released on? – When is Form Four Results Released – Time for KCPE2023 Realese – Time of KCPE Release – Date of Form 4 Results Announcement – at What Time Will the KCPE Results Be Announced?
    The Date of Releasing KCPE 2024 Exam
    The Date of Releasing KCPE 2024 Exam When is KCPE Exam Being Releast 2024 KCPE Results Releasing Day When Are the KCPE Results Coming Out When Will KCPE Results Be Announced? When Will Be the Realese of KCPE Results When Will KCPE Results 2024 Be Out? KCPE Results of the Year 2024 Will Be Released on When? The Date When KCPE Results 2024 Will Be Released When Will KCPE Result Be Out? Knec;KCPE 2024 Results Release Date When is KCPE Exam Being Releast When Will KCPE Exam Annoced the Date of Releasing KCPE 2024 Exam KCPE Releasing Day KCPE 2024 Results Release Date When Will KCPE 2024 Results Be Out? Which Date is 2024 KCPE Results Coming Out? Release of KCPE Exams 2024 When is the K.c.p.e Results Being Announced KCPE 2024 Result Release Date? K.c.p.e Details Annouencement Period KCPE 2024 Results Release Date Breaking News About 2024 Release of KCPE Results Annoncing of KCPE and KCPE Resurlt 2024 When Will KCPE Results Be Released KCPE 2024 Results Release Date When Will Results of KCPE 2024 Be Released ? 2024 Date When KCPE Will Be Released KCPE 2024 Result Announcement. KCPE 2024 Results Date of Release Updates Annoncing of KCPE and KCPE Resurlt 2024 Date Pf 2024 KCPE Results Announcement by Matiagi Release Date for KCPE KCPE 2024 Result Release Date KCPE Results 2024 Announcement KCPE 2024 Results Date KCPE 2024 Release Dates Which is the Best School in Kenya KCPE When is KCPE Results is Being Released When Will 2024 KCPE Exam Be Released When Will KCPE Results Be Released When Will 2024 KCPE Rests Be Released When Do KCPE Results 2024 Announce Update on KCPE the Knec Breaking News KCPE 2024 Result Release Day Date of Release of KCPE Exams 2024 Announcement Date for KCPE When Will KCPE 2024 Results Be Released? When is the Release of KCPE 2024 2024 K C.p.e Results Day of Announcement of Results Date of Release of 2024 KCPE Results When Are KCPE Results 2024 Being Released 2024 KCPE to Be Released on? – When is Form Four Results Released – Time for KCPE2024 Realese – Time of KCPE Release – Date of Form 4 Results Announcement – at What Time Will the KCPE Results Be Announced?
    The Date When KCPE Results 2022 Will Be Released
    The Date When KCPE Results 2023 Will Be Released
    The Date When KCPE Results 2024 Will Be Released
    The Exact Dates for the Release of the 2022 KCPE Exams Results is on
    The Exact Dates for the Release of the 2023 KCPE Exams Results is on
    The Exact Dates for the Release of the 2024 KCPE Exams Results is on
    The Knec Breaking News
    Third Term Opening Date
    Top 10 Schools Best for KCPE 2022 Results
    Top 10 Schools Best for KCPE 2023 Results
    Top 10 Schools Best for KCPE 2024 Results
    Top 10 Schools in KCPE 2022
    Top 10 Schools in KCPE 2023
    Top 10 Schools in KCPE 2024
    Top 100 Candidates 2022 Countrywide, Top 100 KCPE Kiambu 2022, Top 100 Schools in Kericho Country KCPE 2022, Top 100 Students KCPE 2022,
    Top 100 Candidates 2023 Countrywide, Top 100 KCPE Kiambu 2023, Top 100 Schools in Kericho Country KCPE 2023, Top 100 Students KCPE 2023,
    Top 100 Candidates 2024 Countrywide, Top 100 KCPE Kiambu 2024, Top 100 Schools in Kericho Country KCPE 2024, Top 100 Students KCPE 2024,
    Top 100 Candidates Nationally, Results, How to Check KCPE Results, KCPE 2022 Online,
    Top 100 Candidates Nationally, Results, How to Check KCPE Results, KCPE 2023 Online,
    Top 100 Candidates Nationally, Results, How to Check KCPE Results, KCPE 2024 Online,
    Top 100 KCPE 2022
    Top 100 KCPE 2023
    Top 100 KCPE 2024
    Top 100 KCPE Candidates 2022
    Top 100 KCPE Candidates 2023
    Top 100 KCPE Candidates 2024
    Top 100 KCPE Schools 2022
    Top 100 KCPE Schools 2022,,, Top Hundred Schools in KCPE 2022, Top Schools in KCPE 2022.,, KCPE Results 2022, KCPE Results, KCPE Results Online, Http://,,,,, Knec Results, KCPE 2022, Knec Results 2022,, Kenya National Examination Council, Knec Website, Www.knec, KCPE,,, Http://,
    Top 100 KCPE Schools 2023
    Top 100 KCPE Schools 2023,,, Top Hundred Schools in KCPE 2023, Top Schools in KCPE 2023.,, KCPE Results 2023, KCPE Results, KCPE Results Online, Http://,,,,, Knec Results, KCPE 2023, Knec Results 2023,, Kenya National Examination Council, Knec Website, Www.knec, KCPE,,, Http://,
    Top 100 KCPE Schools 2024
    Top 100 KCPE Schools 2024,,, Top Hundred Schools in KCPE 2024, Top Schools in KCPE 2024.,, KCPE Results 2024, KCPE Results, KCPE Results Online, Http://,,,,, Knec Results, KCPE 2024, Knec Results 2024,, Kenya National Examination Council, Knec Website, Www.knec, KCPE,,, Http://,
    Top 100 Primary Schools in 2022 KCPE, KCPE Knec 2022, KCPE 2022 Online Results Check, KCPE Results 2022,
    Top 100 Primary Schools in 2023 KCPE, KCPE Knec 2023, KCPE 2023 Online Results Check, KCPE Results 2023,
    Top 100 Primary Schools in 2024 KCPE, KCPE Knec 2024, KCPE 2024 Online Results Check, KCPE Results 2024,
    Top 100 School in KCPE 2022
    Top 100 School in KCPE 2023
    Top 100 School in KCPE 2024
    Top 100 Schools 2022 KCPE
    Top 100 Schools 2023 KCPE
    Top 100 Schools 2024 KCPE
    Top 100 Schools in 2022 KCPE
    Top 100 Schools in 2022 KCPE Results
    Top 100 Schools in 2023 KCPE
    Top 100 Schools in 2023 KCPE Results
    Top 100 Schools in 2024 KCPE
    Top 100 Schools in 2024 KCPE Results
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2022
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2022 Released in 2022
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2022 Results
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2022, 2022KCPE Results, KCPE Results 2022 Top 100 Students, KCPE 2022 Top 100 Schools, KCPE Results2022,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2022, KCPE2022, 2022 KCPE Results Online, KCPE Online Results 2022, Kenya National Examination Council Results 2022, KCPE 2022 Results,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2022, KCPE2022, KCPE Online Results, KCPE Online Results 2022, Kenya National Examination Council Results 2022, Top 100 Schools KCPE 2022,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2022, KCPE2022, KCPE Online Results, Knec 2022 Results, 2022 KCPE Result, KCPE 2022, Top 100 Schools KCPE 2022, KCPE 2022 Results,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2022, KCPE2022, Knec KCPE Results 2022, 2022 KCPE Results Online, 2022 KCPE Results, KCPE 2022, Top 100 Schools KCPE 2022, KCPE2022 Results,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2022, KCPE2022, Knec KCPE Results 2022, 2022 KCPE Results Online, KCPE 2022, Top 100 Schools KCPE 2022, KCPE 2022 Results,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2022, KCPE2022, Knec KCPE Results 2022, 2022 KCPE Results Online, Kenya National Examination Council Results 2022, KCPE Online, KCPE Results Kenya 2022,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2022, KCPE2022, Knec KCPE Results 2022, KCPE Online Results, 2022 KCPE Results Online, 2022 KCPE Result, Top 100 Schools KCPE 2022, Top 100 Students KCPE 2022,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2022, KCPE2022, Knec KCPE Results 2022, KCPE Online Results, KCPE Online Results 2022, Kenya National Examination Council Results 2022, Top 100 Students KCPE 2022,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2022, KCPE2022, Knec KCPE Results 2022, KCPE Online Results, Knec 2022 Results, 2022 KCPE Results, KCPE 2022, KCPE2022 Results,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2022, KCPE2022, Knec KCPE Results 2022, Knec 2022 Results, KCPE Online Results 2022, 2022 KCPE Results, KCPE 2022, KCPE 2022 Results,
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    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2023 Released in 2023
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2023 Results
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2023, 2023KCPE Results, KCPE Results 2023 Top 100 Students, KCPE 2023 Top 100 Schools, KCPE Results2023,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2023, KCPE2023, 2023 KCPE Results Online, KCPE Online Results 2023, Kenya National Examination Council Results 2023, KCPE 2023 Results,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2023, KCPE2023, KCPE Online Results, KCPE Online Results 2023, Kenya National Examination Council Results 2023, Top 100 Schools KCPE 2023,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2023, KCPE2023, KCPE Online Results, Knec 2023 Results, 2023 KCPE Result, KCPE 2023, Top 100 Schools KCPE 2023, KCPE 2023 Results,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2023, KCPE2023, Knec KCPE Results 2023, 2023 KCPE Results Online, 2023 KCPE Results, KCPE 2023, Top 100 Schools KCPE 2023, KCPE2023 Results,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2023, KCPE2023, Knec KCPE Results 2023, 2023 KCPE Results Online, KCPE 2023, Top 100 Schools KCPE 2023, KCPE 2023 Results,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2023, KCPE2023, Knec KCPE Results 2023, 2023 KCPE Results Online, Kenya National Examination Council Results 2023, KCPE Online, KCPE Results Kenya 2023,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2023, KCPE2023, Knec KCPE Results 2023, KCPE Online Results, 2023 KCPE Results Online, 2023 KCPE Result, Top 100 Schools KCPE 2023, Top 100 Students KCPE 2023,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2023, KCPE2023, Knec KCPE Results 2023, KCPE Online Results, KCPE Online Results 2023, Kenya National Examination Council Results 2023, Top 100 Students KCPE 2023,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2023, KCPE2023, Knec KCPE Results 2023, KCPE Online Results, Knec 2023 Results, 2023 KCPE Results, KCPE 2023, KCPE2023 Results,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2023, KCPE2023, Knec KCPE Results 2023, Knec 2023 Results, KCPE Online Results 2023, 2023 KCPE Results, KCPE 2023, KCPE 2023 Results,
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    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2024 Results
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2024, 2024KCPE Results, KCPE Results 2024 Top 100 Students, KCPE 2024 Top 100 Schools, KCPE Results2024,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2024, KCPE2024, 2024 KCPE Results Online, KCPE Online Results 2024, Kenya National Examination Council Results 2024, KCPE 2024 Results,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2024, KCPE2024, KCPE Online Results, KCPE Online Results 2024, Kenya National Examination Council Results 2024, Top 100 Schools KCPE 2024,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2024, KCPE2024, KCPE Online Results, Knec 2024 Results, 2024 KCPE Result, KCPE 2024, Top 100 Schools KCPE 2024, KCPE 2024 Results,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2024, KCPE2024, Knec KCPE Results 2024, 2024 KCPE Results Online, 2024 KCPE Results, KCPE 2024, Top 100 Schools KCPE 2024, KCPE2024 Results,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2024, KCPE2024, Knec KCPE Results 2024, 2024 KCPE Results Online, KCPE 2024, Top 100 Schools KCPE 2024, KCPE 2024 Results,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2024, KCPE2024, Knec KCPE Results 2024, 2024 KCPE Results Online, Kenya National Examination Council Results 2024, KCPE Online, KCPE Results Kenya 2024,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2024, KCPE2024, Knec KCPE Results 2024, KCPE Online Results, 2024 KCPE Results Online, 2024 KCPE Result, Top 100 Schools KCPE 2024, Top 100 Students KCPE 2024,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2024, KCPE2024, Knec KCPE Results 2024, KCPE Online Results, KCPE Online Results 2024, Kenya National Examination Council Results 2024, Top 100 Students KCPE 2024,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2024, KCPE2024, Knec KCPE Results 2024, KCPE Online Results, Knec 2024 Results, 2024 KCPE Results, KCPE 2024, KCPE2024 Results,
    Top 100 Schools in KCPE 2024, KCPE2024, Knec KCPE Results 2024, Knec 2024 Results, KCPE Online Results 2024, 2024 KCPE Results, KCPE 2024, KCPE 2024 Results,
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    Top 100 Schools KCPE 2023 in Kenya
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    Top 100 Schools KCPE 2024 in Kenya
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    Top 100 Students in KCPE 2024, Www.knec, Top 100 KCPE 2024, Top 100 Students Nationally KCPE 2024, KCPE Knec Results 2024,
    Top 100 Students KCPE 2022
    Top 100 Students KCPE 2022, Www Knec Ac Ke KCPE Results 2022, Www.KCPE 2022 Individual, 2022 Knec Results,
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    Top 100 Students KCPE 2023, Www Knec Ac Ke KCPE Results 2023, Www.KCPE 2023 Individual, 2023 Knec Results,
    Top 100 Students KCPE 2024
    Top 100 Students KCPE 2024, Www Knec Ac Ke KCPE Results 2024, Www.KCPE 2024 Individual, 2024 Knec Results,
    Top 100 Students Nationally KCPE 2022, Kenya National Examinations Council, KCPE Result 2022, KCPE Knec Results 2022, KCPE Results Online 2022,
    Top 100 Students Nationally KCPE 2023, Kenya National Examinations Council, KCPE Result 2023, KCPE Knec Results 2023, KCPE Results Online 2023,
    Top 100 Students Nationally KCPE 2024, Kenya National Examinations Council, KCPE Result 2024, KCPE Knec Results 2024, KCPE Results Online 2024,
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    Top Schools in 2022 KCPE
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    Top Schools in 2024 KCPE
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    Top Schools in Embu County KCPE 2024
    Top Schools in KCPE 2022
    Top Schools in KCPE 2022 Nairobi County
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    Top Schools in Machakos County KCPE 2023
    Top Schools in Machakos County KCPE 2024
    Top Schools KCPE 2022
    Top Schools KCPE 2023
    Top Schools KCPE 2024
    Top Student KCPE 2022
    Top Student KCPE 2023
    Top Student KCPE 2024
    Top Students in KCPE Last Year
    Top Students KCPE 2022
    Top Students KCPE 2023
    Top Students KCPE 2024
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    Top Students Who Got 350 Marks and Above in Kenya KCPE
    Top Students Who Got 350 Marks in Kenya
    Top Students Who Got 350 Marks in Kenya KCPE
    Trans-nzoia County KCPE Results 2022
    Trans-nzoia County KCPE Results 2022/2022
    Trans-nzoia County KCPE Results 2023
    Trans-nzoia County KCPE Results 2023/2023
    Trans-nzoia County KCPE Results 2024
    Trans-nzoia County KCPE Results 2024/2024
    Turkana County KCPE Results 2022
    Turkana County KCPE Results 2022/2022
    Turkana County KCPE Results 2023
    Turkana County KCPE Results 2023/2023
    Turkana County KCPE Results 2024
    Turkana County KCPE Results 2024/2024
    Uasin Gishu County KCPE Results 2022
    Uasin Gishu County KCPE Results 2022/2022
    Uasin Gishu County KCPE Results 2023
    Uasin Gishu County KCPE Results 2023/2023
    Uasin Gishu County KCPE Results 2024
    Uasin Gishu County KCPE Results 2024/2024
    Update on KCPE
    Vihiga County KCPE Results 2022
    Vihiga County KCPE Results 2022/2022
    Vihiga County KCPE Results 2023
    Vihiga County KCPE Results 2023/2023
    Vihiga County KCPE Results 2024
    Vihiga County KCPE Results 2024/2024
    Wajir County KCPE Results 2022
    Wajir County KCPE Results 2022/2022
    Wajir County KCPE Results 2023
    Wajir County KCPE Results 2023/2023
    Wajir County KCPE Results 2024
    Wajir County KCPE Results 2024/2024
    West Pokot County KCPE Results 2022
    West Pokot County KCPE Results 2022/2022
    West Pokot County KCPE Results 2023
    West Pokot County KCPE Results 2023/2023
    West Pokot County KCPE Results 2024
    West Pokot County KCPE Results 2024/2024
    Western KCPE Results 2022
    Western KCPE Results 2022/2022
    Western KCPE Results 2023
    Western KCPE Results 2023/2023
    Western KCPE Results 2024
    Western KCPE Results 2024/2024
    What Does P Mean in KCPE Results?
    What is Free Primary Education
    What is Full KCPE?
    What is O Level Equivalent to in Kenya?
    What Was Composition Talking About of KCPE 2022 Which Was Done Today
    What Was Composition Talking About of KCPE 2023 Which Was Done Today
    What Was Composition Talking About of KCPE 2024 Which Was Done Today
    When Are KCPE Results 2022 Being Released
    When Are KCPE Results 2023 Being Released
    When Are KCPE Results 2024 Being Released
    When Are KCPE Results Being Released 2022
    When Are KCPE Results Being Released 2023
    When Are KCPE Results Being Released 2024
    When Are the Class 8 Results Realised
    When Are the Class Eight Results Realised
    When Are the KCPE Results 2022 Released
    When Are the KCPE Results 2023 Released
    When Are the KCPE Results 2024 Released
    When Are the KCPE Results Coming Out
    When Did KCPE Start Kenya?
    When Do KCPE Results 2022 Announce
    When Do KCPE Results 2023 Announce
    When Do KCPE Results 2024 Announce
    When is KCPE 2022 Released
    When is KCPE 2022 Results Being Released
    When is KCPE 2022 Starting
    When is KCPE 2023 Released
    When is KCPE 2023 Results Being Released
    When is KCPE 2023 Starting
    When is KCPE 2024 Released
    When is KCPE 2024 Results Being Released
    When is KCPE 2024 Starting
    When is KCPE Exam Being Releast
    When is KCPE Results Being Released
    When is KCPE Results is Being Released
    When is the K.c.p.e Results Being Announced
    When is the Release of KCPE 2022
    When is the Release of KCPE 2023
    When is the Release of KCPE 2024
    When K.c.p.e Will Anounce
    When KCPE Will Announce
    When Was KCPE 2022 Results Released?
    When Was KCPE 2023 Results Released?
    When Was KCPE 2024 Results Released?
    When Will 2022 KCPE Exam Be Released
    When Will 2022 KCPE Rests Be Released
    When Will 2023 KCPE Exam Be Released
    When Will 2023 KCPE Rests Be Released
    When Will 2024 KCPE Exam Be Released
    When Will 2024 KCPE Rests Be Released
    When Will Be the Realese of KCPE Results
    When Will K.c.p.e 2022 Resaults Be Anounced
    When Will K.c.p.e 2023 Resaults Be Anounced
    When Will K.c.p.e 2024 Resaults Be Anounced
    When Will K.c.p.e Resaults Be Anounced
    When Will K.c.p.e Results 2022 Be Out
    When Will K.c.p.e Results 2022 Be Out – Today!
    When Will K.c.p.e Results 2023 Be Out
    When Will K.c.p.e Results 2023 Be Out – Today!
    When Will K.c.p.e Results 2024 Be Out
    When Will K.c.p.e Results 2024 Be Out – Today!
    When Will KCPE 2022 Be Done
    When Will KCPE 2022 Be Released
    When Will KCPE 2022 Results Be Out?
    When Will KCPE 2022 Results Be Released
    When Will KCPE 2022 Results Be Released?
    When Will KCPE 2023 Be Done
    When Will KCPE 2023 Be Released
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    2023 Exam Timetable
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    KCPE Results 2023 Release Dates
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    KCPE Results 2023 Top 100 Students
    KCPE Results Per School 2022
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    KCPE Time Table 2022
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    KCSE 2022 Timetable
    KCSE 2023 Timetable
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    KCSE Results 2023 Release Date
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    Knec Announces Dates for 2022 KCPE Release Date
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    2023 Exam Timetable
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    Kenya High School Form 1 Selection
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    Knec KCPE 2022 Release; How to Receive KCPE Results
    Knec KCPE 2022 Results Release and How to Check via Sms
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    Knec KCPE 2023 Release; How to Receive KCPE Results
    Knec KCPE 2023 Results Release and How to Check via Sms
    Knec KCPE 2023 Timetable Pdf: Subjects That Will Start, End
    Knec Portal
    Knec Releases Deadline for Verification of 2022 KCPE, KCPE
    Knec Releases Deadline for Verification of 2023 KCPE, KCPE
    Knec Releases Results for KCPE 2022 Candidates
    Knec Releases Results for KCPE 2023 Candidates
    Knec Releases Revised KCPE & KCPE Exam Timetables
    Ministry of Education Form One Selection 2022
    Ministry of Education Form One Selection 2023
    Release Date of KCPE 2022
    Release Date of KCPE 2023
    Release Dates of KCPE 2022
    Release Dates of KCPE 2023
    Release of KCPE 2022
    Release of KCPE 2023
    Release Time of KCPE 2022
    Release Time of KCPE 2023
    Release Times of KCPE 2022
    Release Times of KCPE 2023
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    Top 10 Schools in KCPE 2023
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    Which Date is KCPE Starting?
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    How Can I Check My KCPE Results Online 2023 for Whole School?
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    How Can I Pass a Test I Didn’t Study for?
    How Can I Pass My Exam With Top Grades?
    How Can I Pass My Exam Without Fear?
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    How Can One Pass KCPE?
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    How Do I Check My KCPE 2023 Results Online?
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    How Do I Find My School Placement 2023?
    How Do I Find the School Placement on My Phone?
    How Do I Get a School Placement Check on My Phone?
    How Do I Know My School is Selected?
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    How Do You Get 100 on a Test Every Time?
    How Do You Get B+ in KCSE?
    How Do You Guess the Right Answer on Multiple Choice?
    How Do You Pass an Exam When You Know Nothing?
    How Do You Pass Every Test You Take?
    How is KCPE 2022 Standardised?
    How is KCPE 2023 Standardised?
    How is KCPE Marks Calculated?
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    How Long Does It Take to Get KCPE 2023?
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    How Many Students Got 400 Marks in KCPE?
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    How to Check KCPE Results 2023
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    How to Pass KCPE 2023
    How to Pass KCPE Mathematics
    How to Pass Kiswahili KCPE
    How to Score 400 Marks in KCPE 2022
    How to Score 400 Marks in KCPE 2023
    Is 4 a Good Mark?
    Is KCPE 2022 Released?
    Is KCPE 2023 Released?
    Is KCPE Marked by a Machine?
    Is KCSE December 2022 Timetable Out?
    Is KCSE December 2023 Timetable Out?
    KCPE 2022 Dates
    KCPE 2022 December Timetable
    KCPE 2022 Leakage Mathematics
    KCPE 2022 Maths
    KCPE 2022 November Timetable
    KCPE 2022 Prediction
    KCPE 2022 Results
    KCPE 2022 Revised Final Timetable Download and Instructions
    KCPE 2022 Science
    KCPE 2022 Timetable
    KCPE 2022 Timetable November
    KCPE 2022 Timetable Pdf
    KCPE 2022 Timetable Results
    KCPE 2023 Dates
    KCPE 2023 December Timetable
    KCPE 2023 Leakage Mathematics
    KCPE 2023 Maths
    KCPE 2023 November Timetable
    KCPE 2023 Prediction
    KCPE 2023 Results
    KCPE 2023 Revised Final Timetable Download and Instructions
    KCPE 2023 Science
    KCPE 2023 Timetable
    KCPE 2023 Timetable November
    KCPE 2023 Timetable Pdf
    KCPE 2023 Timetable Results
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    KCPE Results Slip 2023
    KCPE Time Table 2022
    KCPE Time Table 2023
    KCPE Timetable 2022 Pdf
    KCPE Timetable 2023 Pdf
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    KCSE 2023 Timetable
    KCSE Results 2022 Release Date
    KCSE Results 2022 Release Dates
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    KCSE Results 2023 Release Dates
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    Knec Announces Dates for 2022 KCPE Release Dates
    Knec Announces Dates for 2022 KCPE Result Release Date
    Knec Announces Dates for 2022 KCPE Result Release Dates
    Knec Announces Dates for 2022 KCPE Results Release Date
    Knec Announces Dates for 2022 KCPE Results Release Dates
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    Knec Announces Dates for 2023 KCPE Result Release Date
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    Knec Announces Dates for 2023 KCPE Results Release Date
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    Knec Announces Dates for 2023 KCSE Release Dates
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    Knec Announces Dates for 2023 KCSE Results Release Date
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    Knec KCPE 2022 Timetable Pdf: Subjects Start and End Day
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    Knec KCPE 2023 Timetable Pdf: Subjects Start and End Day
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    Top 10 Students KCPE 2023
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    When Did KCPE 2022 End?
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    When Will KCPE 2022 Be Released?
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    When is KCPE 2022 Released?
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    Find When is KCPE 2022 Released?
    Find Out When is KCPE 2022 Released?
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    When is KCPE 2023 Released
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    Find Out When is KCPE 2023 Released?
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    Cba Knec Portal
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    KCPE 2022 Leakage Mathematics
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    KCPE 2022 Leakage November
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    KCPE 2022 Timetable Pdf
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    KCPE 2023 Leakage Composition
    KCPE 2023 Leakage Mathematics
    KCPE 2023 Leakage Mathematics Paper 1
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    KCPE 2023 Timetable Pdf
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    Which Date Are KCPE Results Being Released 2022?
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    Cba Knec Portal
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    How Do I Find My School Placement 2023?
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    How Do You Get B+ in KCSE?
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    How is KCPE 2023 Standardised?
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    How Long Does It Take to Get KCPE 2023?
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    How to Score 400 Marks in KCPE 2023
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    Is KCPE 2023 Released?
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    Is KCSE December 2023 Timetable Out?
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    K.c.p.e 2023 Mathematics
    KCPE 2022 Answers
    KCPE 2022 Dates
    KCPE 2022 December Timetable
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    KCPE 2022 Kiswahili Leakage
    KCPE 2022 Leakage
    KCPE 2022 Leakage Composition
    KCPE 2022 Leakage Mathematics
    KCPE 2022 Leakage Mathematics Paper 1
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    KCPE 2022 Maths
    KCPE 2022 November Timetable
    KCPE 2022 Prediction
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    KCPE 2022 Release Date and Time
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    KCPE 2022 Results Announcement
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    KCPE 2022 Results Per School
    KCPE 2022 Results Release Date by Knec
    KCPE 2022 Results Top 100 Students
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    KCPE 2022 Revised Final Timetable Download and Instructions
    KCPE 2022 Science
    KCPE 2022 Timetable
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    KCPE 2022 Timetable Results
    KCPE 2023 Answers
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    KCPE 2023 December Timetable
    KCPE 2023 Exam Results to Be Announced Today
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    KCPE 2023 Kiswahili Leakage
    KCPE 2023 Leakage
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    KCPE 2023 Leakage Mathematics Paper 1
    KCPE 2023 Leakage November
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    KCPE 2023 Maths
    KCPE 2023 November Timetable
    KCPE 2023 Prediction
    KCPE 2023 Prediction Questions and Answers
    KCPE 2023 Release Date and Time
    KCPE 2023 Results
    KCPE 2023 Results Analysis
    KCPE 2023 Results Announcement
    KCPE 2023 Results Out
    KCPE 2023 Results Per School
    KCPE 2023 Results Release Date by Knec
    KCPE 2023 Results Top 100 Students
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    KCPE 2023 Science
    KCPE 2023 Timetable
    KCPE 2023 Timetable November
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    KCPE November 2023 Timetable
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    KCPE Questions 2023
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    KCPE Results 2022 Kenya
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    KCPE Results 2023 Release: How to Download KCPE Exam Results
    KCPE Results 2023 Release: How to Download KCPE Results
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    KCPE Revealed 2023
    KCPE Time Table 2022
    KCPE Time Table 2023
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    KCPE Timetable 2022 March
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    KCPE Timetable 2023
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    KCPE top pupils 2022
    KCPE top pupils 2023
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    KCPE top students 2022
    KCPE top students 2023
    KCSE 2022 Timetable
    KCSE 2023 Timetable
    Kcse Dates 2022
    Kcse Dates 2023
    KCSE Results 2022 Release Date
    KCSE Results 2022 Release Dates
    KCSE Results 2023 Release Date
    KCSE Results 2023 Release Dates
    Kcse Timetable 2022
    Kcse Timetable 2023
    Kenya High School Form 1 Selection
    Kiambu County KCPE Results 2022
    Kiambu County KCPE Results 2023
    Knec Announces Dates for 2022 KCPE Release Date
    Knec Announces Dates for 2022 KCPE Release Dates
    Knec Announces Dates for 2022 KCPE Result Release Date
    Knec Announces Dates for 2022 KCPE Result Release Dates
    Knec Announces Dates for 2022 KCPE Results Release Date
    Knec Announces Dates for 2022 KCPE Results Release Dates
    Knec Announces Dates for 2022 KCPE, KCSE Exams Release
    Knec Announces Dates for 2022 KCPE, KCSE Exams Results Release
    Knec Announces Dates for 2022 KCSE Release Date
    Knec Announces Dates for 2022 KCSE Release Dates
    Knec Announces Dates for 2022 KCSE Result Release Date
    Knec Announces Dates for 2022 KCSE Result Release Dates
    Knec Announces Dates for 2022 KCSE Results Release Date
    Knec Announces Dates for 2022 KCSE Results Release Dates
    Knec Announces Dates for 2023 KCPE Release Date
    Knec Announces Dates for 2023 KCPE Release Dates
    Knec Announces Dates for 2023 KCPE Result Release Date
    Knec Announces Dates for 2023 KCPE Result Release Dates
    Knec Announces Dates for 2023 KCPE Results Release Date
    Knec Announces Dates for 2023 KCPE Results Release Dates
    Knec Announces Dates for 2023 KCPE, KCSE Exams Release
    Knec Announces Dates for 2023 KCPE, KCSE Exams Results Release
    Knec Announces Dates for 2023 KCSE Release Date
    Knec Announces Dates for 2023 KCSE Release Dates
    Knec Announces Dates for 2023 KCSE Result Release Date
    Knec Announces Dates for 2023 KCSE Result Release Dates
    Knec Announces Dates for 2023 KCSE Results Release Date
    Knec Announces Dates for 2023 KCSE Results Release Dates
    Knec KCPE 2022 Examination Timetable
    Knec KCPE 2022 Release; How to Receive KCPE Results
    Knec KCPE 2022 Results Release and How to Check via Sms
    Knec KCPE 2022 Timetable Pdf: Subjects Start and End Day
    Knec KCPE 2022 Timetable Pdf: Subjects That Will Start, End
    Knec KCPE 2023 Examination Timetable
    Knec KCPE 2023 Release; How to Receive KCPE Results
    Knec KCPE 2023 Results Release and How to Check via Sms
    Knec KCPE 2023 Timetable Pdf: Subjects Start and End Day
    Knec KCPE 2023 Timetable Pdf: Subjects That Will Start, End
    Knec Portal
    Knec Releases Deadline for Verification of 2022 KCPE, KCPE
    Knec Releases Deadline for Verification of 2023 KCPE, KCPE
    Knec Releases Results for KCPE 2022 Candidates
    Knec Releases Results for KCPE 2023 Candidates
    Knec Releases Revised KCPE & KCPE Exam Timetables
    Ministry of Education Form One Selection 2022
    Ministry of Education Form One Selection 2023
    Nairobi Primary KCPE Results 2022
    Nairobi Primary KCPE Results 2023
    Release Date of KCPE 2022
    Release Date of KCPE 2023
    Release Dates of KCPE 2022
    Release Dates of KCPE 2023
    Release of KCPE 2022
    Release of KCPE 2023
    Release Time of KCPE 2022
    Release Time of KCPE 2023
    Release Times of KCPE 2022
    Release Times of KCPE 2023
    Timetable for 2022 KCPE Exam
    Timetable for 2023 KCPE Exam
    Tips to Pass KCPE Exams
    Top 10 Schools in KCPE 2022
    Top 10 Schools in KCPE 2023
    Top 10 Students KCPE 2022
    Top 10 Students KCPE 2023
    Top 100 Schools in Kisii County KCPE 2022
    Top 100 Schools in Kisii County KCPE 2023
    Top 100 Schools KCPE 2022 in Kenya
    Top 100 Schools KCPE 2022 Nairobi County
    Top 100 Schools KCPE 2023 in Kenya
    Top 100 Schools KCPE 2023 Nairobi County
    Top 50 KCPE Candidates 2022
    Top 50 KCPE Candidates 2023
    Top Pupils in KCPE 2022
    Top Pupils in KCPE 2023
    Top Schools in KCPE 2022
    Top Schools in KCPE 2022 Nairobi County
    Top Schools in KCPE 2023
    Top Schools in KCPE 2023 Nairobi County
    Tvet Knec Results 2022 Release Date
    Tvet Knec Results 2023 Release Date
    Tvet Knec Results July 2022 Release Date
    Tvet Knec Results July 2023 Release Date
    What Does P Mean in KCPE Results?
    What Grade is 69 Points in Kcse?
    What is Passing Score for KCPE?
    What is the Fastest Way to Answer a Test?
    What is the Highest KCPE Marks Ever?
    What is the Most Popular School in Kenya?
    What is the My School App?
    What is the Pass Mark for KCPE 2022?
    What is the Pass Mark for KCPE 2023?
    What Was the Lowest Mark in KCPE?
    When Are the KCPE Results Being Released 2022
    When Are the KCPE Results Being Released 2023
    When Did KCPE 2022 End?
    When Did KCPE 2023 End?
    When is KCPE 2022 Released
    When is KCPE 2022 Released?
    When is KCPE 2022 Starting
    When is KCPE 2023 Released
    When is KCPE 2023 Released?
    When is KCPE 2023 Starting
    When is KCPE Released
    When is KCPE Released?
    When is Kcse 2022 Starting
    When is Kcse 2023 Starting
    When Will KCPE 2022 Be Done
    When Will KCPE 2022 Be Released?
    When Will KCPE 2023 Be Done
    When Will KCPE 2023 Be Released?
    Which Date and Time Are KCPE Results Being Released 2022?
    Which Date and Time Are KCPE Results Being Released 2023?
    Which Date Are KCPE Results Being Released 2022?
    Which Date Are KCPE Results Being Released 2023?
    Which Date is KCPE Starting?
    Which Date Will KCPE 2022 Start?
    Which Date Will KCPE 2023 Start?
    Which Date Will KCPE End?
    Which Date Will Kcse 2022 Start?
    Which Date Will Kcse 2023 Start?
    Which Exam Will Replace KCPE?
    Which is the Biggest Primary School in Kenya?
    Which is the Largest School in Kenya?
    Which is the Smartest City in Kenya?
    Which Month Are KCPE Results Being Released 2022?
    Which Month Are KCPE Results Being Released 2023?
    Which School Has the Most Students in Kenya?
    Which School Was Number One in KCPE?
    Which School Was Number One in KCSE?
    Which Time Are KCPE Results Being Released 2022?
    Which Time Are KCPE Results Being Released 2023?
    Who Has the Highest Marks in KCPE 2022?
    Who Has the Highest Marks in KCPE 2023?
    Who is No 1 in KCPE2022?
    Who is No 1 in KCPE2023?
    Who is No 1 School in World?
    Who is the Top Student in KCPE 2022?
    Who is the Top Student in KCPE 2023?
    Who Made 1 School?
    Who Scored 482 Marks in KCPE?
    Who Scored the Highest in KCPE 2022?
    Who Scored the Highest in KCPE 2023?
    Who Topped KCPE? Form One Selection 2022 Form One Selection 2023 Results Results 2022 Results 2023 Login

    KNEC 2020/2021 KCSE Results: Get your KCSE exam results here! Scroll to See KCSE Results School Rankings Over the Years! KCSE 2020/21 Results School Rankings 2021 KCSE Results Out – Released 2021

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