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Gordon Memorial College Trust Scholarships: Funding Opportunities for Sudanese & South Sudanese Students

Gordon Memorial College Trust Scholarships For Sudan/South Sudan

Securing the funding to pursue a postgraduate degree is both an exciting and potentially daunting undertaking. If you’re a student from Sudan or South Sudan passionate about your education and future impact, the Gordon Memorial College Trust Fund (GMCTF) could be your ticket to advancing your career goals. This article will unravel all you need to know about successfully applying for a GMCTF scholarship.

Scholarship Overview

Established with a historical mission to promote education in Sudan and South Sudan, the GMCTF focuses on:

  • Postgraduate study support: For those already holding bachelor’s degrees, with preference for programs within neighboring countries or the UK.
  • Organizational grants: Fostering educational projects and access to higher education within Sudan/South Sudan.

Who Is Eligible? Individual Scholarship Applicants

The GMCTF places high emphasis on the following:

  • Academic excellence: Strong GPA (3.3 on 4.0 scale) or equivalent undergraduate performance is mandatory.
  • English fluency: Proven through recognized tests like IELTS or TOEFL.
  • Sudanese/South Sudanese citizenship
  • Clear career impact: Demonstration of how your chosen degree path will directly benefit your country upon return.
  • Referees: Submit two strong letters of support commenting on your qualifications and potential.

GMCTF Organizational Grants

While individuals are a primary focus, GMCTF also funds projects. Key points for organizations:

  • Transparency & reporting: Meticulous grant-related record-keeping and potential audits exist.
  • Purpose-driven: Funded projects MUST demonstrably improve educational access within Sudan or South Sudan.


How Your Application Will Be Judged

Stand out from the crowd! The selection committee prioritizes these in their scoring:

  1. Future impact (25%): What specific skills will you bring back to positively contribute to Sudan or South Sudan?
  2. Academic merits (20%): Strong transcripts and prior coursework
  3. Program rationale (15%): Why THIS degree, at THIS institution?
  4. English ability (10%): Test scores speak volumes.
  5. Solid references (10%): Choose advocates who highlight your drive
  6. Financial picture (10%): Demonstrate your budgeting strategy
  7. Overall well-roundedness (10%): Polished, concise application

Financial Considerations: Understanding the Limits

  • Partial support: The GMCTF rarely exceeds £7,000 in awards, mainly serves to fill gaps in secured funding.
  • Maximum limit: Applications requesting over £10,000 likely won’t be considered.

Important Dates & Application Guide

  • Annual cycle: Dec. 1 – Feb. 28 application window, decisions revealed by May.
  • Step 1: Online form: Thoroughly read guidelines before beginning.
  • Step 2: References: Give referees plenty of advance notice & point them to GMCTF website instructions.


Pro Tips to Strengthen Your GMCTF Application

  • Showcase initiative: Even small-scale, independent projects or relevant work prove you’re already driving change.
  • Connect to Sudan/South Sudan: Research how your chosen program might lead to future collaborations or development initiatives.
  • No vague statements: Focus on specific ways your skills can tackle real-world issues in your community.

How to apply

To apply for the Gordon Memorial College Trust Scholarships for Sudan and South Sudan, follow these steps:

  1. Complete the online application form after thoroughly reviewing the provided information on the website.
  2. Arrange for letters of recommendation from two referees who can assess your eligibility for the GMCTF grant.
  3. Ensure your referees are directed to the website’s Information for Referees section. Your application won’t be considered complete without these letters, so it’s your responsibility to request them from your referees and have them submitted to the GMCTF.

Visit the official website of Gordon Memorial College Trust Scholarships For Sudan/South Sudan for more information

Click here to access the application form for individuals

Click here to access the application form for organisations

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